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in CryptoDog3 years ago

All right so welcome back to dappy. Diversity, looks like we're live here. So today we got a bunch of stuff to talk about uh a lot ' S happened since our live show that we did yesterday and the first thing that we're gonna look at that.

I'm sure is on top of everybody's. Mind is what's, going on with the with the cryptocurrency markets this morning, um the real news of the day, in my opinion, uh. What's, going on with the eath price for sure heath looks like it's.

Trying to test a new all-time high and i personally think that we're ready for an explosive move upward all right. I'm gonna talk about why? I think about that. I don't, do a lot of like price forecasting predictions on this channel, but i feel pretty confident about this and that's.

What i'm gonna talk about at the beginning of this video today, so before we get into that, you know. If you're on here, hey i'm gregory and on this channel i turn you into a blockchain master. So if that's, something that you're interested in then smash that, like button down below for the youtube algorithm and subscribe to this channel, and if you learn how to become a blockchain master step by step, start to finish.

Uh. Then, head on over to dappy university dot com forward, slash boot camp to get started today, all right, so we got a lot of people jumping in the chat here so uh we got uh, let's, see here: uh perrosi, lydic cigar uh culture, Hives awesome awesome, welcome very cool, so let's, go ahead and jump into the first uh item today, which to me is really the big piece of news which is uh.

What's, going on with the cryptocurrency prices? Okay, uh. Somebody says yeah last week everybody is saying: ethan is dead, so i'll. Give you a little hint um. You have to understand the psychology of the cryptocurrency markets.

You know this is no. So i don't wan na say this. Like financial advice that you should always be doing this systematically but uh typically like sometimes the best opportunities when people are scared of everything, i mean the best time to buy cryptocurrency in the past.

You know 18 months. Uh basically was last march when we saw the major market crash. Everybody too scared to buy anything like that was a maximum point of financial opportunity. The same type of thing like you know last week when we saw this heath fudd going around.

That may have been the best time to accumulate eath uh for the next. You know kind of several months. So let's, go ahead and just check in on the prices here. Um, so yeah eighth is really getting close to a new all-time high and, like i said i don't, make a ton of like forecasting predictions about what i think is gonna happen.

In terms of you know the next uh short while, but i will make a kind of a broad prediction: i have official price prediction, but uh. I think that eath is is due for uh, probably some sort of explosive move upward i'm.

Not i don't necessarily think that it's gonna, like necessarily double in price, really quickly. It very well could um, but i do think we're. We're ready for a a jolt upward at some point soon uh and that's, just how i think about these markets.

Okay, i try to look at these things in really big pictures. Um. I try to link look at history. How to how to how do certain assets tend to move? I watch eath a lot um, so eth kind of does this right. It makes these kind of big jumps um.

You can see this on the chart here. I've. Just got the line. Chart on coin gekko pulled up nothing, fancy for sure. You see these big jumps right. It's. Very it's very volatile. It's, more volatile than bitcoin is, and so it makes these explosive movements and it kind of gets boring for a while, and then it jumps it gets boring for a while.

Then it jumps um. So you can see. Like i said, i'm, not a big trader, not a big ta guy, but i can see really basic patterns, especially from a ta perspective, um, and just tell you like why i think certain things so that was yesterday, but, like you see this Uh we had an all-time high, you know had a low and then it tried it again and got you know kind of lost all momentum.

Then it made a higher low and then here we're kind of breaking past this all-time high. So you know you have to combine some of these insights with the other factors like what's going on. Of course you see the volume kind of dropping a little bit here, but um.

You know you have to combine these insights with. What else is going on the market part reason? I think this is because uh just the overall market psychology somebody mentioned in the chat a minute ago.

People thought that you know ethel was dead just a few days ago. Right sometimes that's. A really good sign, uh that there's, a big opportunity on the table. I'm, not not saying that you should always do that.

Also everything i'm saying right now is not financial advice. I'm, not telling you to buy eth ahead of this time. You know full disclaimer, not financial advice. You could lose money on this um, but i'm just telling you kind of how i personally think about this um, so anyways yeah sometimes like when people are too scared or something or they think it's over that's like one of the big opportunities on the table, uh so anyways, but i do.

I do see a lot of momentum moving forward for this type of stuff. I think that the overall cryptocurrency markets in general uh people - i think people kind of ready for what's next um, you know. So those are the reasons that i think that we're ready for the next leg up and that you know eth will probably break this all-time high.

Pretty soon i don't know exactly what's going to do after that, but we'll, probably see a sharp move upward i don't know how about how much, but again that'S just how i think about things i don't think about it really specific terms, but it's going to be this price by this date.

I try to think about um. You know really broad brush strokes. What's likely to happen uh from a general perspective, and i i think that's, probably what's gonna happen so, like i said, as always, not financial advice, um, you know, don't get Mad at me, if you uh, if you buy and uh things don't quite work out, but that's, uh that's.

How i feel about it! So let's. Look at uh! Let's. Look at uh some other crypto market. Like i said everything's, pretty correlated right now, um, let's. Look at bitcoin, because also you have to think about this term.

The sentiment like i watch social media. Quite a bit, of course, i just try to look at the updates that i can help make these videos - and you know you - you get a good idea of what the sentiment for the crypto markets are for people on social media, that's.

One way to look at it, you can watch other youtubers, all that kind of stuff um but yeah. I think the overall sentiment is people are ready for the next thing uh. So it's. It's, not just this social media world, because if you just watch, you know youtube.

You just watch twitter or get on twitter and you just watch the crypto currency markets. Those aren't, like all the people that are participating in the cryptocurrency markets right it's, way way way bigger than that uh.

Of course, like you know, youtubers and influencers all that kind of stuff can have uh. You know strong influence on you know smaller cap cryptocurrencies, maybe to some degree what's happening with like bitcoin and larger caps, etc, but uh it's, not really enough to, like you know, totally influence the market at these price levels.

See i think about who else is in here um, and you know we're, starting to see other stuff, that's, going to help outside money flow into the space which is important for these next legs up his neck, like upward Um, and so we got a story yesterday - that morgan stanley files to add bitcoin exposure across a dozen institutional funds - okay, so this is pretty big um.

We're talking about more institutional adoption of cryptocurrency. We, of course talk about people buying cryptocurrency and putting on their balance sheet for their institutions, but now we're talking about actual institutional funds, incorporating uh oops, incorporating uh uh bitcoin this way through morgan stanley, okay, so i'm going Through the whole story here, but this is big um, so i could i'm, always looking for more signs or are more people coming into the space.

Are we seeing more adoption, because those are the things that we need uh to sustain this momentum forwards? It's, not just about looking at the charts, not just looking at the chain analysis it's. Looking like, do you see other things? What's? The sentiment like do you see? Other signs that other people are coming in from the outside is a lot of money.

Institutions are important because a lot of money is coming up, so another big part is coinbase. Okay, coinbase is going to have their ipo. Of course, this came out on april fool's day. So i was like.

Is this real uh? We've heard about the coinbase ipo for a while now, but we do have um uh. We do have uh clarity on when that's going to be so. It's on april 14th. This is their direct listing to the stock market um.

Their symbols me coins, so c-o-i-n uh, it'll, be on the nasdaq okay. So if that's, something that you're interested in then uh go ahead. Martha in your calendar, but the really reason i bring it up is just more attention to crypto.

Okay, there's, lots of reasons why the coinbase ipo is important um. But you know this. This is just more try to think about big picture stuff that can that can have momentum to help. You know push this market forward and this is just another example, so um also in terms of you know the markets.

I put out a video on monday - and i even mentioned this in my twitter - about uh web 3.0 - being a potential trend to watch out for a profitable trend, whether you're trying to build a project um, you know in the blockchain space or You're, like looking for to invest et cetera.

It's, not financial advice, but i'm just kind of thinking about this. You know the the blockchain world is taking off like crazy, of course, but within it there's, these smaller trends. So we have defy.

You know uh kind of pop up and get really hot a lot of attention, especially last year, that was kind of one of the things that kicked off this major bull run or was a part of that that early bull run um.

We saw let's, see here um, you know nfts for sure. Anybody who's here now has probably been hearing about nfts, because you know they've kind of bubbled up into low-key mainstream popularity right. So these are smaller trends, that's in the blockchain space um and they've, been taking off quite a bit now another one.

So so that's, how it works. Like you see, we have this overall trend, but then we have these smaller trends that kind of come in and they they take center stage for a little while and then they kind of get saturated and then a new thing kind of comes in and takes center Stage for a while they get saturated so one other trend.

We're, starting to see other trends come up like gaming's getting really hot right. Now we're, seeing gaming projects kind of take off um, but one trend that i think is going to be big uh or stands a chance to be big is web 3.

  1. I made the video about that on monday, but i want to bring it up again because in that video i mentioned filecoin as being a web 3.0 project and we did see a lot of uh interest in filecoin this past week.

Okay, so i put out my twitter show here, of course, it's, kind of cooled off a little bit right. It kind of uh, especially within the last day. It cooled off for sure it's like found like a local top of some kind, but you know the firecoin was taken off like crazy.

So why do i bring this up? Well, this could be the beginning of uh. You know that trend that i'm talking about so i talked about hey. You know. I think web 3.0 should be a thing uh. You know trend that that pops up - and you know that's, pretty good timing with with the file coin action, so we might see other web through projects like this uh i don't have any recommendation off top of my head.

I'm, not trying to like shield coins or anything. I'm just trying to give you kind of insight into the big picture here that i see playing out um, and this could be proof positive of what i'm talking about.

Okay, i even put it on my twitter. The other day like uh it cracked me up because filecoin's, fully diluted valuation valuation was larger than bitcoin's market cap from a few months ago. So basically that means that all the file coins if they were uh.

You know printed into existence that were released into existence. Uh. That means all the file going to be worth more than bitcoin was like i don't know in december, or something like that. So this is pretty crazy.

They got a lot of people's attention and, of course, some people say the full deleted evaluation. Doesn't matter, and file coins to economics are more complicated than that, etc, etc, but uh that was that was cracking me up um.

So yeah watch out for web 3.0 for sure, so somebody says: eat [ __ ] made an all-time high. Let's just see if that's true, so it depends on what exchange we're talking. We're. Getting close, i mean this is this.

Is coin get goes price aggregator. So this averages a lot of different exchanges. Um, i think we'll, see, i think. Probably we'll, see all-time high within the next. You know it could be within minutes.

Right depends on what exchange you're watching on uh it's. Pretty exciting, like we're having a little bit of an all-time high watch party here right now, we can come back and check the price here in a minute um yeah totally.

So another thing is um. We keep hearing more and more from mark cuban okay um. He's. You know if, if you're, if you're into ethereum, he's kind of become one of the best players on our team. His terms of uh, you know a uh influential celebrity to talk about eth.

So yesterday we saw mark cuban on the front page of Okay with the headline mark cuban on his cryptocurrency portfolio, i own a lot of ethereum because i think it's, the it's, the closest to a true currency; okay, so that's, pretty crazy uh.

You know this headline with mark cuban his picture on It's, talking about his large position in ethereum, so he breaks it down. Uh it's, not the majority of his portfolio, just for clarification, uh.

If you look in here, he talks about he owns 60 bitcoin, so there's more bitcoin, that's; okay, um! Let's, see yeah yeah, thirty percent at three and ten percent, the rest, but uh yeah. We talked about mark cuban a lot in this channel.

You know super important. Of course. He's. A billionaire very forward-thinking had a lot of um uh. It was very involved in the early days of internet and some of his businesses. He was working on there uh we've, seen him make guest appearances on other uh.

You know ethereum and defy uh based. You know podcasts and youtube channels. So if anybody here is watching is connected to mark cuban in any way, and he wants to make an appearance on dappy diversity, i think everybody else watching this live stream right now would love to see that.

So if you want to contact me, my info will probably be down below all right, so we got some questions here in the chat. Uh. Let's. See here, somebody says: do i plan to make a tutorial on how to create a blockchain? Not a smart contract from scratch, um, probably not there's, not a ton of demand for it.

It's really hard to run your own blockchain network. I thought about doing this a long time ago and then i realized that not that many people probably want to do it. So i never did uh okay. So let's, see we got more in the uh chair, so another project that i saw come up was pretty cool um.

Let's, see here so one one thing that's. One thing that's. Pretty cool um is uh privacy. Okay, so i think i think we'll, see more in the privacy field on top of each because uh, when you do, when you do transactional type of ethereum, all the activity right now is public.

Okay. So basically like, if you go, try to utilize swap or you send ether around uh, you know to somebody else's wallet then uh. You know that transaction for sure is going to be uh traceable, so you can always see like who sent the money to who you can see that you were the one that made the transaction on uni swap, etc, etc, um, but i think that privacy will be An increasing theme on top of ethereum, so um, so basically like um.

I think that uh we've. Seen we've seen projects come up in the space already all right, so we've, seen like tornado cache. For example, toronto cash is uh an important project on top of ethereum, i've, had the guys on my channel for sure um.

So another project i want to talk about right now is railgun okay, so i saw this coming up on on twitter. I don't actually know a ton about it, but i'm kind of exploring this wanted to bring it up for you all so railgun project railgun is a privacy.

Smart contract custom built for you to privately trade through a dex stake farmer lent. So in railgun you do not need to use a layer. 2.. You don't even need any new wallet. App you don't even need to use a special coin.

You can use railgun even only with eth and it's all on chain with full ethereum security, so that's. Pretty cool, so railgun includes a number of transaction types, so ad transfers, ad assets, public address, use, railgun, uh or sorry remove, transfer split adapt.

So this is a product that i want to explore. More um, like i said i don't, have all the details fully in front of me here, but this is one you can check out. If you're more interested in privacy projects, i think it serves a really big long-term need.

On top of beef, somebody said that ethan's. Uh price is going so let's, go back and take a look. We can kind of turn this in a little bit of a all-time high watch party. Here, let's just check yeah 2047.

I think that's. It let's, see here yep yep new, all-time high awesome yeah. We did it. 20 20 42 was the old all-time high, and now the ticker reads: 2047 on the price aggregator here on coin gecko, awesome, yeah, yeah, very cool, so who else is excited for an ethol time high? Let me know in the chat down below yeah awesome.

Somebody says 2059 on coindesk yeah nice. I'm gonna see uh let's, actually pull up the trading view chart. Maybe i can watch it a little better in real time, especially so it i i won't make any so who thinks uh, who has predictions for eth price uh? What what what price will eath hit today? Leave your leave.

Your prediction down in the chat below says: broke 2060 on kraken. Someone says some. I think somebody thinks it'll be 2. 400. 22.50. 2200., nice. So i have. I have no, but i have not giving financial advice.

I'm, not telling you to buy it or sell. Based on this information, i'm just watching the price and letting you all kind of duke it out in the chat down below nice. Somebody says three thousand dollars today.

That would be nice. I would like to see that yes or 20 50 55 here on trading view 2053 here on coin gecko yeah. I think i think we're right, everybody. I think uh people are hungry for that eath. Somebody says pop some bottles.

I'll, just take a drink of my cool, clear water here all right, so let's, go ahead and move into some q a here so go ahead and drop your questions in the chat and everybody's. Blowing up at the east price right now so uh.

If we see any more questions, i'll, go ahead and try to answer some of those right now. So i think this is pretty crazy, though i don't. Go back to this uh, while people are uh, you know pulling their chats in but uh.

I think this is pretty nuts about mark cuban talking about this on the home page of cnbc. This one says my favorite point um, so ethan's largest position in my portfolio. I've talked about that a lot in this channel transparent.

So why is that the case um? So, basically, you know i ' Ve worked with ethereum um daily for since 2017 um, so i'm around the technology all the time. I see the crazy innovation and an adoption that's happening from the ethereum ecosystem.

You know up close and personal um, you know so i i have a big believer in youth long term. I see all the innovation happening. I see the you know advances in eath, so you know that's. One reason i hold it mostly all right - and i was part part of it also is when i was buying so like i was buying ether.

It was really really really really cheap compared to what it is today, um and at those price levels. I saw way more upside uh than something like bitcoin and way more like. It was a way sure bet in the longevity of the tech compared to everything else out there.

It's, a lot of the l2s or sorry a lot of the other layer ones will kind of like you know, super excited about, or they eat killers et cetera. Like um. You know it was not even close to innovation. That was happening on top of ethereum, especially when i was accumulating and buying in we've had smart contracts on ethereum for five years, basically um so yeah we've, had a long time to build the momentum that developer community.

All that kind of stuff, so that's. Another reason that i am big on east it's just because i watch it all the time um. I do all bitcoin and i think bitcoin's great. I do hold some other d5 projects because i was early to those too um.

I watched defy sprout uh from the ground out like a little a little seed that sprouted and turned into this tiny plant, and now it's, this giant tree um. So i was accumulating the fire projects pretty early too, like uh, ave and synthetics, because they were some of the two first d5 projects that were really like uh growing.

At the beginning of this bull run, i don't have any uh. I don't, have any advice on chili's. Somebody says always grinding for the community return the face smash the like now yeah yeah. Please smash that, like that, helps these videos out a lot somebody says will probably go polygon.

Go up with eth after optimism not being ready, so i don't know what's going to happen with polygon with their token price or anything like that. But i did talk about yesterday. How uh you know ave is working with polygon on on layer, two scaling well that's, a layer two, but just scaling solutions now for ethereums, because they're, particularly talking about side chains, is what i was saying.

So i saw this yesterday i'll recap in case anybody missed the live stream uh. So you know of course, layer. Two scaling is all about what's happening with ethereum right now. People are not being too slow, too expensive.

Uh. Basically, like uh people say, i think nobody's gonna use ethereum because it costs too much so that's. What scaling is for so there are different ways to scale. You can build a second layer on top of ethereum, where you do those transactions and settle the results.

You do on side chains et cetera, et cetera, so we saw that with uh polygon uh. Here we saw it with uh optimism course: optimism project, the one that i was super excited about got delayed uh. We talked about that a ton of these streams, but here we see ave which one of the most popular dapps on top of a theme right now.

It's, the one i talked about a minute ago, um uh polygon, and starting with that like now. Basically, so somebody's, a good question. Somebody said: when do you think one would be considered ready to apply for projects in the blockchain space? This person's.

This person's. Name is crypto dev, so i'm. Assuming you're a developer, so my advice is basically build. Uh depends on what your development experience is, but this supplies pretty much anybody uh it's, go build an unguided project, not a tutorial where you try to build something for real code.

It out start to finish, get it ready for a portfolio uh, open source it on github, get a resume together and then apply immediately. You might get rejected, but the good news is, you'll find out what you need to work on and then you can go back to the drawing board and work on that and then apply again.

I almost always recommend people apply for jobs sooner, because what you don't want to do is go work on the wrong thing for like a year, and then you find out that. Then you have to go back and learn a bunch of other stuff.

Okay, so let's see here. Somebody says uh: 20. 65 on coin market cap, that's. Awesome somebody says mark cuban on dap university. Yes, i would love to see that somebody says i'm interested in a direct relation between ethereum and solana and how why a new app would use solana over ethereum.

That's. A good question. I i don't know why somebody would use the slanted theorem right now. I'm, not saying it. Never never would, but i don ' T know why, right now, they would do that. Um see any chance.

East can surpass btc one day it it. Could it very well could, in terms of market cap, that's, people are asking, is uh, you know, could we see ethereum become the number one coin on something like coin marker cap or coin gecko, so um you need to see this here um.

I think it's possible. Okay, i mean there's. People with him that's, absolutely impossible. It's, never gonna happen, because bitcoin is such a big cryptocurrency such a household name. I mean i, i think it's possible.

Okay, um, you know ethereum is, it would have to basically 5x in market cap uh in order to match bitcoin's current market cap, but those things could i mean it could happen. Um simply because of everything you do with ethereum, because i talk about this a lot on my channel where uh you know, people get exposure to ethereum different ways, so you see like uh, i'll.

Show i'll. Show you why? Okay, i'll, show you an example right here, so you see it this way, like you know, btc eth. You know that so basically they get on his website like coingecko. They look at the cryptocurrencies, they see bitcoin first and then they say.

Oh here's. This eth thing right. What is that they kind of go to the ether rabbit hole? Maybe they buy some or the popular investment strategy is to buy. You know equal shares of bitcoin and ethereum or maybe like weight it a little bit differently, but you know always have a switcheroo, ethereum people say, etc.

Um, that's, one way just through cryptocurrency, but they have they're, going to have access to ether through so many other things so think about all the people who heard about nfts who never cared about cryptocurrency ever in their entire Life well, what did that point him back to unless they were buying nba top shots or the you know, kings of leon album most people were looking at nfts on top of ethereum, so nfts were away from exposure to ethereum.

So what about people who are interested in d5? Well, most of the d5 activity in the world is happening on top of ethereum right now, so they hear about d5. You know they that points them toward eth. So what happens when you know web 3 gains popularity, which i was talking about earlier? Well, that's, probably going to point them back to eath right.

So there's. All these different ways. We can get exposure to eat rather than just looking at cryptocurrency okay. So this is the type of thing that could cause people to kind of go down that rabbit, hole and uh.

You know really get into eth, rather than just saying. Oh, i'm gonna go, invest in cryptocurrency. What should i buy um? So the fact that people get exposed so many ways. The fact that you can stake eth you can't really stake bitcoin.

Of course, you can put it on a service like block fight and earn passive income that way, but you can stake eth, uh natively in the network. You can use it in d5, there's, something stuff you can do with it.

Um the fact that eth monetary policy uh could make it like deflationary at times when eip 1559 comes out um. Basically there's, lots of like that. That could be a more stronger incentive to hold eastern like that.

If it becomes a heart, you know a sound money um, so there's, lots of reasons why why it could potentially be more attractive than bitcoin um? If that happens, and it could be, could could flip it. I'm, not saying it's.

Gon na happen anytime soon. I'm, not saying it will for sure happen, but somebody says: do i think it could ever flip bitcoin. I think it could all right. Still. I'll. Do one more question here: um somebody says: could rap bitcoin overtake bitcoin? Maybe somebody's, talking about basically moving bitcoin to the ethereum blockchains.

They can do stuff with it. In d5, it's, just as if a uh somebody says if, if a dap that uses its own ethereum cryptocurrency, you kind of make a pool of transactions to pay people all at once and they share the gas price um.

So you might be able to do that with with l2s uh, because i think that's. What's going to happen with some of these l2 uh technologies? That people can? You can see subsidizing gas costs so there are.

There? Are projects that are doing that right now that are subsidizing, but it may be easier for you, technically speaking to do it with a layer, two scaling solution than on the base, ethereum blockchain itself.

Somebody says they all personally hand deliver an english muffin to anyone in the united states for one bitcoin, that's, awesome all right, everybody that's. All i've got for today, as always smash that, like button down below subscribe to this channel, if you haven't already, it really helps these videos out some more people learn about blockchain.

If you like, these videos, uh you're as fascinated with this technology, as i am, you want to get your hands dirty. How can you get started today? Uh, you want to get an up close personal look at ethereum how it works.

You know one of the highest paying fields in tech right now, uh is being a blockchain developer. I've helped people with zero coding experience become real world blockchain developers in a matter of months.

So you get my youtube homepage. You can find my free courses there, like you, do me courses, but they're totally free. If you like those, you want to the next step or hey. Maybe you'll, take a master shortcut entirely.

I should become a blockchain master step by step over at bootcamp. Again, you don't, be an expert to get started today, um that's. All i've got and until next time, thanks for watching dappy diversity,

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