Clean Planet Challenge : June Edition

in CCSlast year (edited)
Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well,and good, and enjoying the best moments of your life. I am @shahid2030 from Pakistan and you are here reading my blog. You all are welcome here from the core of my heart.

Introduction to the topic


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This is my participation in a contest Clean Planet Challenge organized in CSS community by @ponpase .

In this contest we will talk about how can you keep our mother planet Earth clean. What are the major possible ways, we can keep it safe from air, water, and noise pollution. I will must mention the harm, and adverse effects of it on our lives. So let's talk about it in details in body of our blog. Let's not waste the time and move toward our concern business.

Things to be discussed

What are the possible ways we can keep our mother planet Earth clean?

Adverse effects of dirt, and pollution on human being.

What challenges can we come up with doing this great job.

Conclusion to the topic.

What are the possible ways we can keep our mother planet Earth clean?


Planet Earth is the only habitat for mankind so far. We don't have other planet discovered where normal life is possible. Keeping in mind that, we should love this planet, try our best to keep it safe, and clean. Let harmony, and calmness in it's environment. If we disturb it's nature, it will reacts, and response us in more worse ways. Let me me share with you guys some major steps, which can help us keep the earth neat and clean.

Duty of state


It is the duty of state to keep it's territory clean. Empowerment of garbage institution is important. State should develop advance machinery for collecting trash, and garbage. Those who are breaking the law should be charged legally. All the factories, vehicles, other machines are tried to be made environment friendly.

Recycling of Garbage, and Trash.


Their should be recycling plants for the Trashes. It will help reduce pollution, and dirt, and we can can make new things out of it. It will help in growth of industries, and job creation. I know a factory near by us, they have a recycling plants. They recycle plastic bottles, plastic bags, plastic goods use in medicine, and make new pipe out of it. Those pipes are very stable, and lots of people are using them for commercial use.

Awareness should be created through Seminars


People should be aware of the adverse effects of dirtiness. They should be threatened how it effects their lives. We can do it by arranging seminars in different university, colleges, other public places. People should be awared through advertisement. It should be injected in their mind, how much a neat and clean environment is important for their better, and healthy life.

Student should do it Volunteerily


Student can perform in this field very well. They should do it Volunteerily, with the spirit that's it's their own benefit. In fact not only student, but everyone should play it's role in it. It's the duty of every individual, every citizen to keep it city clean. They should do it Volunteerily, with full spirit, and zeal. I have been in such activities too many time when I was at school and college. Now at university level we don't have organized such an activity so far.

Adverse effects of dirt, and pollution on human being.


As I mentioned above that people should be taught the adverse effects of pollution. Their should be awareness amoung them. Let's talk about some of the harmful effects on pollution on human being.

• It causes global warming. A very serious issue these days, which is almost out of control.
• Give birth to new disease.
• Directly effects human body. Air pollution effects lungs, water pollution causes damage to kidneys.
• Noise pollution can create serious mental disorders.
• It causes acid rain, which is very harmful for building, crops, and aquatic life.
• It causes unwanted rains, floods, and many other climate changes.
• Soil erosion, and decrease fertility in land is also one of it's effects.

What challenges can we come up with doing this great job


Coming up with this huge problem, it's a very tough job. it took us centuries to destroy the world, now it will takes centuries to recover it back. For an instance: The issue of deforestation. It is a global problem. We are cutting trees, and forest from centuries. Many forest have become desserts. No if we wants to plant trees again, and do reforestation, it will take us centuries. It's quite hard to plant trees on that huge level. We may have to plant trillions of trees around the globe.

Another major problem is the capitalist system. They increase the number of industries which expell harmful gasses. These gasses are that much severe that they cause ozone depletion. Tetrafluoroethane is the gas used in refrigerators, and it is a great cause of ozone depletion. Wood is used as a raw material in many factories, i:e paper is made up of wood. People use wood for shelter. They cut down forests for making societies.

Advancement in technology is also one of the big problems. All the electric applicances, mobile, computers, auto vehicle, industries contribute greatly to global warming. We can't eradicate these things, because they are the need of the day. So it's a also a kind of hurdle, prevent us saving our mother planet Earth from destruction.

Conclusion to the topic.


From all the above discussion we can conclude, how much the safety of the earth is important. We should prevent it from any possible disaster as we have only this planet in the entire universe where life is possible. Human has no habitat other than this. Infact not only human, but no living thing has other habitat than this.

I have mentioned all the possible ways how can we keep this Earth neat and clean. The address effects of pollution are also being mentioned. Further more we talk about the major hurdles, which can prevent us making our Earth pure, natural, and beautiful.


This is all about my blog for the contest today. Hope you find it informative for you. See you soon with a new amazing and interesting topic, till take care.

I would like some of my steemian friends to participate in this Contest and enlighten us your precious knowledge.


Your presence here means alot
Thanks for being here

Allah Hafiz

Regards shahid@2030



I have shared my post from my Twitter account. Link is given below.

Their should be recycling plants for the Trashes. This is the most important point because it will not only helps to reduces pollution but will also helps producing much cheaper products. I totally agree with your quality contents.

 last year 

Is very important to keep our environment clean bro, I really love the way you presented your post.

I wish you good luck in this contest.

Yeah brother cleanliness is too much Important for us. Dirt and pollution is a great risk to our mother planet. We should recognize this threat as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late for us.

Your precious words means alot to me dear. Thanks for being here. God bless you.

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