Macro photography Challenge - Week 17 | "Capture, Click, Compete!"

in CCS8 months ago
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

Hello CCS friends!
How are you all I hope you are very beautiful by the grace of Allah. Alhamdulillah I am also fine. I came to participate in Macro photography challenge organized by @theentertainer admin. That's why I love to participate in competitions. Today I have come to share with you a photograph of a butterfly. This is the first time I have seen this species. The butterfly was very large. The wings were about 7" to 8". The wings had long thick hairs like a cat. And the top of the wings had rounded spots on both sides. There were two beautiful golden color designs. I was doing some work on my phone and suddenly I saw this butterfly flying. Seeing such a beautiful and big butterfly, I ran to get my phone from the room and took just one photograph. Then the butterfly flew away with a banging noise.

So ending my today's blog by saying goodbye to everyone and wishing everyone well. Thanks everyone.

My phone details

CameraOPPO A5s

I appreciate your upvotes and support Thanks for reading my post

Best regards @rumanaafroz

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