Food Photography | Daily Photography Challenge | "Capture, Click, Compete!"

in CCS10 months ago
Food photography Shrimp paste Sambal Geprek Chicken

Geprek chicken is a typical Indonesian flour-fried chicken dish that is pulverized or crushed with sambal plow. Most sources say that geprek chicken comes from the city of Yogyakarta. Now, geprek chicken has become a popular dish that can be found in almost all major cities in Indonesia.

This picture of geprek chicken is a picture I took when I ate in the mountainous area of ​​Takengon, the dish looks delicious with the addition of basil leaves, It's not complete if you don't eat geprek chicken with rice, additional tomatoes and cucumbers are the perfect garnish for this dish. Really very delicious food.

NomorPhoto descriptionInformation
1CameraOppo A55 cellphone
2Photo objectFood photo
3LocationTakengon Aceh, Indonesia

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Ig: @naurasuhailaa | @prilly

 10 months ago 

mantap makanan yang lezat ayam penyet seperti nya ini enak....

Yes yes thank you for visiting my post, good luck for the food we consume every day. Regards.

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