Coffee Plants and Flower Garden

in CCSlast year



Didalam kawasan burtelege juga dibudayakan pohon kopi dan perkarangan bunga. Pohon kopi yang tumbuh didalam kawasan wisata ini mencuri perhatian para pengunjung.

Ada beberapa diantaranya sudah mulai berbuah akan tetapi belum bisa dipetik. Tanaman kopi yang tumbuh didalam kawasan ini menambah kesan pemandangan yang indah saat berjalan di sekitar area wisata.

Tidak hanya tanaman kopi yang mencuri perhatian pengunjung. Perkarangan bunga yang ditanam berjejer begitu indah menambah kesan warna keindahan dengan warna merah.

Selain bisa menikmati pemandangan gunung,danau dan sebagainya. Kita juga dapat melihat perpohonan kopi yang membuat segar dengan aromanya.

Jenis bunga yang ditanam merupakan jenis bunga yang bisa tumbuh diatas ketingginan dan udara dingin. Sehingga bunga ini tidak terlihat layu.

Biasanya kita bisa melihat tanaman kopi dikebun kopi, akan tetapi jika berkunjung ke sini kita juga bisa melihat.


In the Burtelege area, coffee trees and flower arrangements are also cultivated. The coffee trees that grow in this tourist area steal the attention of visitors.

There are some of them that have started to bear fruit but cannot be picked yet. The coffee plants that grow in this area add to the impression of a beautiful view when walking around the tourist area.

It's not just the coffee plants that steal visitors' attention. The flower arrangements planted in rows are so beautiful, adding to the impression of beauty with the red color.

Apart from being able to enjoy views of mountains, lakes and so on. We can also see coffee trees which make us fresh with their aroma.

The type of flower planted is a type of flower that can grow at high altitudes and in cold air. So this flower doesn't look wilted.

Usually we can see coffee plants in coffee plantations, but if we visit here we can also see them.




Best regards,


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The coffee plant and flower gardens look amazing. The trees on both sides of the road in the middle look very charming. The whole pictures are eye catching. Thank you so much for sharing such beautiful pictures with us.

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