in CCS2 years ago

Hello Splinterland warriors!

How are you all guys hope you will be blessed and fine. In today's post, I will share today's focus quest rewards along with the season end rewards and yesterday quest's rewards with diamond 1 league advancement in the last season.



Well, here is the snap of claiming season-end rewards where you can see the total loot chests that i made in the last season with the highest league achieved which was diamond 1 with a 3500+ rating and was battling hard for the champion league but i could not reach there. The 62 loot chests is the highest loot chests rewards for the season-end rewards compared to all previous season.



Well, the rewards i got from the season-end are not awesome but got lots of potion charges you can see that i got 96 alchemy potions and 168 legendary potions while the total worth of season-end rewards $1.6 which is nothing but still got some cards that will be upgraded and may be worth more in the near future. Also, i have some merits 774 which was recently added to the rewards system, and 2k DEC tokens so the rewards i got from 62 loot chests is not worth sharing but i am happy that i got some nice rewards from the previous daily chests rewards worth something including some packs and nice DEC tokens.



Here are the focus rewards of yesterday after claiming the season-end rewards i made 6 loot chests before season-ending but still did not get good rewards from the daily focus rewards like the seasoned and got 500+ dec with some common cards.


And these are the rewards of today as you know the starting days of the new season are tough in which you can not win the battles because of a strong opponent like my rating dropped to gold 1 league and now i am in gold 2 leagues with 2300 rating and lose 200 rating by losing battles but still made 4 chests today where i got some nice dec rewards per win and then claimed these rewards.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Thanks For visiting my Blog

Best Regards @moeenali

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