Traders Are Prohibited From Cheating

in CCS4 days ago


In order to get abundant profits, traders use various methods. However, what you need to note is that Islam strictly prohibits traders from committing various forms of fraud. So, on this occasion, let's learn together, why the devil comes to say that "traders who cheat are his friends in hell."

If we think, if we look closely, the economy is something that is very important, which has a huge impact on every joint of human life. The economy is a sector which is very important for the benefit of mankind.


So that's where the devil knows, that because it's a very important thing, which is very vital for the benefit, well-being of humans. So the devil really likes to disturb economic actors. These range from small traders to large traders. She always accompanies him to tease him, so that he acts in a way that is unfair, so that he acts cheating.

Well, in this case, Allah warns in the Qur'an which means "woe to those who like cheating in the scales."

Who are they ? Namely, those who want when buying, when getting the measurement on the scale, they want to be fulfilled. However, on the contrary, if he, as a seller, gives goods to another person, measures out goods for another person, then he is cheating to reduce them. This is strongly reminded in the Koran. If even a small thing is cheating on the scales, you will be threatened with going to hell. How those who like hoarding goods, how those who like illegal logging in the forest.

How many millions of people have lost because of this? If a trader in small things cheats, Allah threatens him very harshly, even though it harms 1 person. Then what about those who harm many people? Isn't the threat much bigger than that? Islam provides strict signs regarding this. Because if we look, if we think, people trade on a small scale, they have started to cheat, from there it will be opinionated in them, it will be ingrained in them that they will always want to continue to cheat, even if later they trade bigger. His desire to cheat will get higher.

Remember, the person who is harmed, how the person who is aggrieved will weigh that. If we look at a big scale, if there are hoardings of goods here there, exceeding the limits that have been set by the government. Finally, economic shocks arose.

If economic shocks have occurred, then, poverty will occur everywhere. In fact, the purpose of religion is to exist to improve the welfare of society. So it's very contradictory. If these traders, starting from small traders, cheat on the scale, the big traders do too. So it is very contrary to what is the goal of religion itself. Religion wants its people to live in prosperity. However, due to irresponsible human behavior, economic shocks will eventually occur. The economy is unstable, poverty is everywhere.

Finally, what happened? If we look at the current phenomenon, poverty is rampant everywhere, just because they defend big traders, willing to evict small traders.

How are their lives, isn't religion present to improve their welfare? Not for the prosperity of a few people who have very large capital. Under the pretext of tidying up something, arranging the city, but what happens is that those who make a fortune from it end up in ruins. The economic resources are not there, poverty is everywhere. Poverty will arise just because of the reason for organizing a city. This must be our collective thinking. Is it true that such a thing happened? If the reason is beautifying the city, the reason to consider culture, isn't humans themselves a culture.

Let's think, if there are any of us as traders, remember that Allah's threat is very big. Remember even a small profit if obtained in the right way, then that fortune will be a blessing. That blessing is enough for the family. On the other hand, those who cheat, seem to want to get a large profit, but they do things that are fraudulent. Remember, there are many in this world, they are many that are not blessings. And Allah will threaten that and that item which was obtained by cheating will torment him tomorrow on the day where we will live eternally, namely the day of the afterlife.

Thank you friend, I hope my discussion today can remind me personally and also my Steem Entrepreneurs friends at home.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hallo @midiagam :)

Spirit Ok

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Thanks you very much @aceh-team😊

hai bang
lon pike pu atra diateuh kursi, bak tanjoe ka aki ka munjungkat hehehe
semoga sehat ok

Hehe, nyan keuh ban awak kamoe inoe bak keude kupi, lage rumoh droe. Oke, terimakasih banyak bang Sultan Aceh untuk semuanya

hehehe ok bang

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