Life Must Be Balanced Between This World And The Hereafter

in CCS13 days ago


Allah SWT gives the power to humans to enjoy worldly beauty. Not only worldly life, but also heavenly life for those who carry out all His commandments, keeping away from His prohibitions.

Then what can we do to balance life in this world, as preparation for life in the afterlife.

This is what I will discuss in today's post.

In human life, we are always busy with various kinds of activities. Work one of them. Working with the aim of earning a living, in Islam is of course obligatory by law. However, God also recommends that His people can fulfill pleasures in their lives. Have fun in Allah's way of course. So, how can we as His people be able to balance our worldly life as a provision for our life in the afterlife?


Talking about life in this world and also the hereafter, of course I want it to feel balanced. The world is said to be temporary, the afterlife forever. But in reality, perhaps to be honest, I too, am still oriented towards life in the world.

Every time we invite people or listen to people who invite the Muslim community to be devoted to Allah, that means growing, creating a balance between worldly demands and the demands of the afterlife. Even in this world, we must have the responsibility to build life on earth, so that we become Muslims who are strong, who are advanced, who are intelligent, who are prosperous, and don't forget the afterlife, that is a certain thing, because we will definitely return to the afterlife forever. forever.

Well, the obligation in the world as the khalifah of Allah, as a creature who has the mandate, is to carry out development on this earth. So, we must become a people who are dignified, cultured. The Qur'an says, the word of Allah

"Don't you become a weak generation, be all of you a generation who plays a role, who is dignified, knowledgeable.”

Make everything. That's our obligation to build as long as we live in the world. But don't forget, that this world is just a bridge through us to the realm of barzah. So people who are aware, who are intelligent, who use their minds healthily, will believe, will have faith, that there is a later life in the afterlife.


If there is no life in the afterlife, how this life will be filled with tyranny. In this world there is no true justice. Therefore, there will be life in the afterlife, there Allah Ta'ala is the only king who carries out justice for mankind as fairly as possible.

For believers, the world is land, say agriculture, crops for us to reap the harvest in the afterlife. In this world, this is our field for planting, later we will harvest, we will take the harvest, we will reap it in the afterlife. Without this world we cannot do pious deeds for the afterlife.

But you don't forget your part, your rights, your obligations in the world. Muslims must be strong, Muslims must be intelligent, Muslims must be prosperous. That's why some worship requires wealth, right? Go to hajj, zakat, infaq, sadaqah, waqf, those are all treasures. This means that Muslims must be rich. We are already rich in zakat, sadaqah, infaq, we Jariyah. The goal is so, not getting rich for vanity.

May Allah SWT always give us all guidance to become His better servants from day to day.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam

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