Climbing Mount Kerinci, Jambi (Indonesia) with a height of 3,805 M

in CCS20 hours ago

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Hy steemit friends, how are you all?
May you always be given health and blessings from your God
In this meeting I want to share a little story about my climb with my friends up Mount Kerinci in Jambi (Indonesia). We climbed the climb from 16:00 in the afternoon, we took rest at every shelter, well Mount Kerinci has 4 shelters. Mount Kerinci has a height of 3,805 M if calculated from the post where climbers prepare equipment for climbing it.

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Our expedition was a journey that was not relaxing because the altitude was very steep. Fortunately, we had prepared everything, such as ropes to tie each of our friends' shoulders so that the climb we did remained safe and secure because we didn't want something we didn't want, right? to happen, so before we set out to climb we had prepared everything So, for the photo above, we still dared to hold the camera because we still had not faced the very deep steep slope. When we arrived at shelter 3, we couldn't hold the camera anymore because we were already holding a rope which was connected to each of my friends, so We also hold a camera that we think is safe, only then do we dare to hold the camera

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Not only is the road steep and high, but our journey is accompanied by rain and slippery roads because sometimes we pass large rocks and there is large moss on the rocks, which makes our journey slow, to cover our bodies from the rain, we use plastic coats to protect food that cannot get wet, such as bread and other dry foods, but even though it rains, we are still enthusiastic about climbing Mount Kerinci because it is the first time we have climbed this mountain, so we also have great enthusiasm. tough to climb Mount Kerinci until we arrived at shelter 3 and we rested, we arrived at shelter 3 around 18:00 at night

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When we arrived at shelter 3 we rested and made food so that our stamina would return to normal because we needed to rest to continue our climbing journey at 04.00 in the morning. We also set up camp and lit a campfire to warm our bodies before going to bed, not long after that At 21:00 we fell asleep and continued our journey tomorrow morning at 04:00

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And at 04.00 we woke up and continued climbing to the top. It turned out that the journey to the top was more extreme because there was fog and very cold weather which made our bodies and energy drain quickly. We climbed calmly until we reached the top safely. , when we arrived at the top we saw a very beautiful and extraordinary view. Our tiredness was paid off by this view, as if we had forgotten the tiredness from the first time we climbed with difficulty, now erased by the view at the top of Mount Kerinci. We are very happy and happy to be able to reach the top safely, we are also grateful to God who has made our journey safe and secure. For those of you who like climbing mountains, Mount Kerinci is a very suitable place for you to climb because the views are so beautiful and beautiful.
Maybe that's the end of my post, more or less sorry if there are typos and it's hard to read, see you again in my next post, friends, bye bye...

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