It is necessary to speak thoughtfully

in CCSlast year
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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When we speak, we must think and speak. If we don't think and speak, we will often be put in danger or humiliated. Many times our words may endanger other people or our words may embarrass other people.

Sometimes word of mouth is the only way to maintain a relationship, and sometimes word of mouth destroys a relationship. Sometimes friendship is made by word of mouth and sometimes friendship is destroyed by word of mouth. This is why you should always think while speaking.

I saw a video a few days ago, in that video, it was shown that a boy always talks without thinking and always talks too much. One day a friend of his came to him, they both studied together in college. His friend came and said, Do you remember Rina, Rina was studying in the same college with both of them, he replied, Hey Rina, who can you forget? When Rina was in love with Suman, I fixed the room for their dating. Then his friend was surprised to hear this and said that my marriage with Rina is fixed.

Then the person there was insulted and ashamed, he should have heard the whole thing first and answered accordingly, spoke without hearing the whole thing and thinking nothing, because of which he himself was ashamed and prevented their marriage. done

Let me tell you another small story, a friend of mine went to the market one day, met a friend of his in the market, that friend got married and went home with his wife. Then naturally my friend asked him who is this girl? He replied that this is my wife, then my friend is asking him again that you are married again? When to marry again?

After hearing this his wife is angry with him that you were married once before? Now he will not take care of his family. Later he explained well to his wife and called my friend to prove to her that he was not married before.

This is why we all should always think and speak. If you think and speak, the mistakes in those words will be less. And if you speak without thinking, there are more mistakes in those words.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.


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