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RE: Spa days

in CCS3 months ago

Oooooh!!! What a wonderful treat!!! I cannot even remember the last time I was at any place that even resembled a spa, lol - in fact... if memory serves me correctly, I think it might have been on my honeymoon, which just to be clear, was over 20 years ago hahahaha!!!

It certainly looks like a wonderful experience and a great looking atmosphere and decor there.

Talking about the cold plunges - we have also been trying to get into that here at home. We have a jacuzzi in our garden which was here when we moved in. The heater does not work, so essentially it is just a dip pool for the warm summer months (which is wonderful) - but in the early morning and especially in Winter... it is bloody cold!!!!! lol - so yes, now the thing is just to actually work up the nerve to get in there :D


I apologise in advance that my message might be really hard to read, but I’m having to use voice to type because I cut my finger gardening and my main typing thumb is in a plaster and can’t type well 😝😂 yes it’s very difficult the plunge pool you could try adding some ice LOL. One of the times I got and I was making a big deal about trying to get myself into it, there was a woman just chilling out in it, as if it was hot, she helped me a bit and told me it was warmer than Hampstead Heath where she used to swim every morning ! You do feel amazing after tho I feel my whole body tingle for a while

I cut my finger gardening and my main typing thumb is in a plaster and can’t type well

Oh crap woman!! Sorry to hear that! If it makes you feel any better, I cut my (mouse) finger this morning too lol!!! WITH A BREAD KNIFE of all things lol. Though it was not a pretty cut, it definitely does not sound as bad as yours haha!

I bake sourdough quite often and have been complaining that our bread knife sucks with cutting it on the first day when it is super fresh... in defense of the bread knife, I have had it since I was like 20... which means it is over 20 years old lol - poor thing. It's probably feeling a little like @weisser-rabe coffee machine about now, lol.

Anyhooo.... so we bought a new bread knife yesterday and today I decided to slice my finger open with it. At least I know it works better than the old one haha!!! :D I don't think I could cut my finger with the old one even if I tried, lol.

there was a woman just chilling out in it, as if it was hot

Yip, I see locals like that... floating around in the ocean at like 6.30am... WTF haha! (wtf = total admiration in honesty lol)

You do feel amazing after tho I feel my whole body tingle for a while

Yes, you ABSOLUTELY do!

It’s not too bad just didn’t realise how much you need it to type 😱

Whats that saying... "you don't know what you got till it's gone" haha!

Speedy recovery to you xxx

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