How do you concentrate on the most important thing?

in CCS2 years ago

How do I focus on the things that are important to me?
The first thing I need to do is ask myself, What are the important things for me?


It is certainly Family, Health, and personal development.

We find it challenging to find the important things in life. I don't think that's true. All you have to do is sit still, calm down and ask yourself: "What do I want from life and what is really important to me? "Simple? Simple. If nothing comes to mind right away, that's fine. Give yourselves some time. Sit still for a moment and think. Even if at first you have an empty mind, in time the answers will come to you. Meditation often helps me with this. Try it yourself.
What can these important things be to us? These can be our life goals, our dreams, and our passions.

An important and crucial element of focus is faith. If we focus on the goal but do not have a little faith in what we are doing, I doubt we will achieve the desired success. For example, you are reading a new book about self-development, focusing on yourself, and changing for the better. But nothing will be achieved if you don't believe that this book will work and that you can change.



There are often obstacles to concentration as well. Suddenly we get a phone call from someone, suddenly a child comes and wants something, suddenly someone from friends wants someone. You know, there could be thousands of reasons. Therefore, it is also important to plan time and tranquility. I recommend turning off all phones. Relax, for an hour or two when we don't have a phone, nothing's going to happen. It may be hard at first, but it will get better with time. Experience and practice make us champions. And again, faith. Patience combined with these things will make it easy for us to focus and concentrate on the things that are important to us. No matter what they are, they make us happier and better.


Blessed night friend, I hope you are well with God's favor 🙏

What it expresses is correct, we must
concentrate to be able to achieve goals, dreams and various other things. Success does not come alone and we must work hard and have faith in ourselves.

Thank you very much for sharing,
Best regards.

Thank you!

Thank you!

hey how are you bro, long time no interact with your post.

hope you are always healthy.

I am good my friend. Thanks!

Certainly we must concentrate on our goals but with optimism and faith. We must believe in ourselves. Greetings and thanks for sharing.

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