Contest: Colour of the week contest-purple colour

in CCS8 months ago

Good day my lovely steemians, it's another great week to discuss in this very contest topic which is tagged colour of the week contest being purple colour I have been able to participate in the past week with quality posts. I want to really appreciate the organiser @charter and the community #ccs for organising this contest topic.

The colour purple is one the colour that's not widely taken as a favourite colour but it seems to portray alot when it comes to attributes. Purple is one that signifies power, strength, royalty, creativity and more, most people around use the colour as uniform in a group and more.

Purple dress

Purple dresses stands out when worn showing more about luxury and royalty. Is one colour that people don't really go after but is one of the strongest colour to fit in richness and power.

Purple flowers

Flowers with the colour really potrays alot when it comes to humanity. Purple flowers signifies calmness, wisdom and beauty, the add more beauty to an environment when used as ornamental plants.


Purple colours are one the best colour when talking about calmness, beauty,. royalty and wisdom.

Thanks for going through my post 🥰❤️


**Used redmi10c smartphone to take pictures..

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