Food Photography Challenge - Week 21 | "Capture, Click, Compete!" | MeatballssteemCreated with Sketch.

in CCS5 months ago

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The biggest challenge during the holidays turned out to be none other than the daily need to prepare huge amounts of food.

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Everyone is at home, everyone is hungry, everyone has their own desires and preferences ("I don't like the red stuff in the soup, Dad") and all these countless desires must be fulfilled by a single fairy-mother-wife-working-away-from-home a woman who tries her best not to go crazy.
I understand you perfectly, we are all in the same situation, in every house the food fight is always mercilessly cruel.

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BUT! There is salvation, and it is called fried meatballs. I discovered it by accident and plan to resort to it every even number until the end of these holidays. Fried meatballs have proven to be the perfect holiday food, and I have irrefutable proof of that.

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Everyone loves fried meatballs

There is almost no person on this earth who does not love meatballs. They are found in all countries, here and there they are like balls, here and there they are more flattened, but they are there! And they are easily eaten by little fingers and big gluttons. So if you announce that there will be fried meatballs, you will get cheers and cheers, verified!

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Fried meatballs provide peace and quiet

"Don't go into the kitchen because you'll smell something fried." I did not expect that this phrase would provide me with an hour, I repeat, an hour of peace and quiet. My child tried to peek, but when he saw how smoky it was, he gave up. Well, I just admitted to myself that I probably didn't open it on purpose to ventilate it in a timely manner, precisely to create this hostile environment. When the little head disappeared from the door frame, I opened the door to the terrace wide and continued to calmly fry MYSELF.
I hadn't been alone with myself for more than 4 minutes since the beginning of the Christmas holidays, and this meatball fry will be a fond memory of a spa vacation.

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Fried meatballs keep you away from your smartphone

The big difference between holidays years ago and now is smartphones and social media. The constant access to information and the ability to share all kinds of opinions has us glued to our phones around the clock. This, unfortunately, only increases our sense of anxiety and doom, which is of no use at the moment. When one is frying meatballs, however, one's hands are busy. I tried to wash up and click on my phone after each batch I put in the pan, but I burned 6 meatballs because of a heated online argument and I'm out. I dropped the phone and found my own thoughts again. It was heaven.

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Fried meatballs help you stay in shape

So I was left standing in front of the stove, with my hands full of meatballs and time in front of me. The happy song on the radio made me do a little dance and reach my fitness eureka - I can do leg exercises!
And it began - the hands make meatballs and put them in the pan, the legs take one step at a time in the sides against cellulite or rise on toes against varicose veins.
I was also walking on the spot, dancing, tapping, generally walking more steps than in the last 8 days combined. And all this because of fried meatballs!

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Fried meatballs bring the family together

After this one-hour vacation with a sports element, I felt homesick for both my wife and children. I invited them to a beautifully laid table for lunch and we had one of those moments that make the holidays easier to bear - we were together and we were really happy.

And the meatballs were delicious ;)

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If you also want to show off your cooking skills and photos, join by visiting this link
Organized by @theentertainer
Sponsored by @visionaerfund
Result will be announced by @visionaer3003


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