CCS Contest session June || Beauty of Naturee

in CCSlast year (edited)

Nature is an integral part of our existence as humans... Without nature, we would barely be alive. So at our leisure, it would be wise to appreciate nature with friends and families. There are lot of lessons we can learn from nature of which our first parent's son learnt. Nature helps us appreciate the creator and designer of life.

The skeptical way of natural things defines who we really are and our purpose on planet earth. Take a quick look at how beautiful the flowers are. With this natural thing, man is able to perceive and use the designs of these flowers in creating garments, sprays, and anything worth design.

The animals, flying creatures and creatures in water bodies all have lessons to teach us and is of great benefit to us as a whole. So how can we appreciate nature? I'll be deliberating on the flowers, insects, animals and non-living things.


The bodily feature of insects and the way they are designed in a way that most of them can resist pressure, predators and even survive under intense heat. Their ability to do these teaches us resilience. Take a quick look at this Praying Mantis.

PC by davidmarkgeorge

Its ability to attack and spread its wings and also camouflage to avoid detection by predators is something we can learn from. If you look intensely at the praying mantis, you'll observe how it behaves when it's in an environment that's not conducive.

PC by davidmarkgeorge

The Beautiful butterfly that has a camouflaged color with the flower its perching on teaching me personally about how loving the designer of life is. They are already clothed that they don't need another to be beautiful. They have this natural instinct to perch on flowers for food or brightly colored leaves. They food they get from these flowers are enough to bring them to satisfaction and the way they fly inconsistently even in adverse weather conditions is worth emulating.

PC by davidmarkgeorge

This insect with many legs and spiny body is actually a beautiful insect in disguise. It's beautiful on the outside but dangerous on the inside if its trouble is seek. The way it moves slowly with rotational segmented bodies teaches me a lot about how our legs were designed to aid movement.

This toad is actually an amphibian and the way it is designed to resist predators is appealing. It had this poisonous pigment on its skin that makes it detestable to predators.

PC by davidmarkgeorge


Every flower has its distinctive features even if they may look similar. These flowers are clothed and they don't even need to search for food because they manufacture their own food through sunlight energy. How impressive. The yellow flower is actually a flower I love picking up on when I was little. It beauty couldn't keep my eyes off it. It is brightly colored and attracted to lot of insects.

PC by davidmarkgeorge

This white flower that tend to have the shape of a rose flower is actually beautiful in it own way. My best Photographer captured an insect perching on it.

PC by davidmarkgeorge

These flowers show how beautiful humans are and how different they can be. This purple flower below is another natural beauty on its own. It is used by some in their marriage ceremonies a d the likes of them.

PC by davidmarkgeorge

Sky photos

The clouds in the sky especially during sunset are so beautiful to stare at. Sometimes things to are written on the clouds for a purpose that's why I love reading and observing the clouds

PC by davidmarkgeorge

Non-living things

Asides living things like the animals and plants, Non-living things teach us lessons too. Example of one are these stones with different sizes, structure, shape, design and color. Irrespective of their distinctive features, they are still stones....

PC by davidmarkgeorge

This is applicable to humans too. Even if we're different in tribe, language, nationality and race, we are all humans.

In conclusion, creation speaks a lot and nature defines who we are. Observing nature can teach us life lessons we ought to imitate


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