Winner's reward ceremony | How do you concentrate on the most important thing?

in CCS2 years ago

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Hi everyone!

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My contest "How do you concentrate on the most important thing?". Main post here:


Priorities and concentration

The theme of setting priorities and focusing on the important remains relevant. There is an image that the pressure of a woman's heel is comparable in strength to that of an elephant due to its high concentration.

True or not, I did not check, but the image seems to me correct. If you focus your efforts on one thing, then it becomes like the action of a laser, when the light is concentrated at one point.

I tried to burn out with a magnifying glass as a child. When light is concentrated on one point, it reaches such a strong intensity.

It turns out to be very beneficial to focus on one thing. So it is incredibly important to choose this "one". And this is where prioritization is important. I studied the papers sent by respected authors. And perhaps I will return to them to reread the reflections and experiences that they shared.

Due to the fact that we are on the STEEMIT platform and united in a community, we can share our thoughts and experiences.

Thank you all for your attention and have a nice day!


Thanks alot sir, it was indeed done. I forgot to reply you before.

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