The Diary Game 09/27/2022

in CCS2 years ago

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Hey everyone!

Today is the 27th day of the daily publication of The Diary Game. Three more days and there will be a month without passes. I like it!

I didn't take many photos yesterday, so I'm using my archived photos for this post. During this summer, I almost did not publish posts in The Diary Game, so I have accumulated a large number of photos. I looked through my archive and chose the ones I liked.

Taking photos as the day goes on is a nice habit and it gives me content to post. Before, as a child, I dreamed of such an opportunity - to photograph unlimitedly. Then, in my childhood, we did not yet have digital cameras and I dreamed of a box of film.

Now times have changed and for a long time there is an opportunity to photograph unlimitedly. But there was another need - to find why to do it. And here the posts in STEEMIT allow you to combine one with the other. I can post my photos.

Also with the text, a lot of ideas come up during the day, and if you write them down, then you can make content for posts from these thoughts. And thanks to the growing circle of my readers here, this will not be a "letter to the table", but a presentation of thoughts to real people.



Right now I'm getting ready to set up a full node, create a plan for TheWordGame, and start advertising Steam Song.


The first photo was taken at a Bible study meeting organized by one of the local youth centers. The guys rented a three-story house in the center of Kyiv with a large beautiful plot and regularly hold various events there.

This for many remains a dream that they were able to realize. And at the meeting there were a lot of fruits that I managed to capture and they look very nice.

The second photo is a river, in relative proximity to my current leased area. In fact, I settled here precisely with the desire to swim in the river every day (!), but in the end I only came there a few times, because the river that is next to the house is not suitable for swimming.


And the one that is suitable - is far enough - you need to go to her. And it's not always convenient.

The third photo is a summer photo of flowers that grow on the streets near the house. They look beautiful, somewhere in the archive there is another photo that I thought about if I had downloaded it from the Internet, the yellow flowers on it look so bright.


Yesterday I was at home all day, only in the evening I went to the grocery store. I also went to a cafe where after 19:00 they sell vegetarian dishes with a 50% discount.

This is the same saleswoman who causes me tension and it was with her that we exchanged a couple of friendly phrases, from which my mood became very good last night.


I also passed by young and pleasant people yesterday, and this greatly increased my joyful state. When I was already on my way to local transport to return home with groceries, I passed by a cafe and remembered the English conversation club that takes place at that time in this cafe.

I approached the guys and we chatted in English for a while. After that I went home. And now I decided not to eat in the evenings, because it becomes a habit and has a bad effect on well-being. Do you eat at night? :)


It would seem that allowing yourself to eat when you want can be called self-love, but no. If I eat at night, then I feel bad. I decided to stop doing this and not eat after 18. At least try.

I will also begin to observe the regime of the day, go to bed at 22:00 (try to do this). Physically work on the site (it helps). Also in the evenings I will either go to events to communicate with people and strengthen good acquaintances and make new ones.

If I don’t have a plan of events, then I will go to the city and earn extra money. This is good for mood.

Thank you for your attention
Have a nice day!

 2 years ago 

That looks like a nice morning.

Wow! I started to read you like.. Yesterday and it's almost a month. I must say, reading you, inspired me to do the same. My time of sleep well.. It's 2:27 am so I really like to woke up early but I can't I'm the type of people that needs 12 hours of sleep.

If I don’t have a plan of events, then I will go to the city and earn extra money. This is good for mood.
👆 I like your attitude 💸💵😂

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