Golden Hour Photography Challenge - Week 14 | "Sunlit Serenity: An Ode to the Autumn Afternoon's Radiance"

in CCS8 months ago

Golden Hour Photography Challenge - Week 14 | "Capture, Click, Compete!"

💕Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim💕

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

My username is @abdulmukit and I'm from Bangladesh.

Now I present to you a picture of the autumn afternoon sunlight. Wonderful, sweet light; the mind is enraptured.

The photo was taken in the afternoon while walking in the fields filled with the aroma of ripe rice.

My phone details

CameraRedmi 9 Power
LocationSylhet, Bangladesh

Thanks to all dear friends who are supporting this post.

Best Regards,


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