Food Photography Challenge - Week 10 | " Home made Fuchka amazing ."

in CCS9 months ago

Food Photography Challenge - Week 10 | "Capture, Click, Compete!"

💕Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim💕

Assalamu Alaikum
***My steemit id name is @abdulmukit and I'm from Bangladesh ***
My favorite food item is fuchka. Every person likes to have fun and eat with their loved ones. My wife made fuchka for me. The taste of fuchka was amazing. The main ingredient for making fuchka is flour. Atal is added by mixing flour with hot water. It is then dried in the sun into the desired items or shapes. Sun-dried items or shapes can be stored for a long time. My wife made the main ingredients by frying the dried items in oil. Separately, onion, potato, egg, dry chili, salt, and mint leaves bring all the items together to make the filling. This chart is mixed with oil-fried dough and served puffed. Fuchka is served in a sour and sweet combination.


I entertain everyone in the house by waving my wife's palm and chatting. The taste of eating puffballs from the wife's hand is not to be forgotten.



My phone details

CameraRedmi 9 Power
LocationSylhet, Bangladesh

💐Thanks to all dear friends who are supporting this post💐

Best Regards



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