3 Days Without Electricity by @whizzbro4eva || 23-06-2023

in Steem4Bloggerslast year



Electricity is the one of the power source that human beings rely on their daily activities. This power can be generated from different sources like gasoline or diesel generator, solar panels, etc. Since it's discovery, human life has been pleasurable and enjoyable. Activities like washing, cooking, and other home or industrial activities are done with the aid of electric power. But, if this discovery goes off for a period of 3 days or more, what will life look like? This is the bone of contention I'll love to talk about in this article.

How Often Is There Electricity issues in My Area

If electricity cease to exist for a moment, it tend to pose a problem. This is because most homes, industrial or commercial places uses it for their activities. Specifically, in my area of residence, we do experience power failure frequently because of several factors. These factors may be faulty transformers, overhead cables issues and other factors. Currently, we do not have electricity supply. There is no supply of electricity for the past one month in my area.


What Do I Do In The Absence Of Electricity

In the absence of electricity, that should not mean that life should end or become inactive. Life must continue by doing other things that can make life smooth and going. These are these activities I do in the absence of electric power.
School activities: As a student, I do work on my assignments or projects from school. These happened in the presence or absence of electric power. This is the necessity that a student must fulfill. So, I do incorporate this activity in my daily life.
Reading Books: As a student or in the quest of acquiring different kind of knowledge, then one must reading books a companion. Mostly, I read books in the absence of electric power than it's presence. My reading fo span from educational books to non-educational books.
Playing Indoor and Outdoor games: I do play games and sport for fitness or fun. In the absence of electric power, I play outdoor and indoor games. Indoor games like Ludo, Chess, Scrabble, etc and outdoor sports like football, tennis, etc are the things I do.

The Major Issues Posed When There Is Power Failure

The major problems posed when electric failure is noticed in 3 days or more days are:
Shutdown of my mobile phone: My phone will be down as a result of usage. Since, there is no charge it, it will remain down. This will result to my inactivity in my steeemit activities and important calls won't be reachable.
No water: If power is down for 3 days or more, there won't be water pumping. Therefore, water supply will be available. The remedy we use is our gasoline generator.

Inviting @bossj23, @vudeme123 and @uduak3867

Thanks For Reading

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