Steemit Engagement Challenge | S14W3 | Parent's Strict Behavior and Children's Mental Health

in Steem4Bloggers7 months ago

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of strict parental behavior?

The impact of strict parenting on children's mental health is significant. I reckon a bit of strictness is okay, but there's definitely such a thing as too much. It's super important to mix in some love too, so kids feel comfy opening up and getting emotionally strong.

Let's talk perks first. When parents stick to a routine – regular meal times, bedtimes, and study hours – it sets kids up with some ace habits. They get the hang of managing their time and learn to be responsible, like doing their homework on time and keeping their space neat and tidy.

But, crank up the strictness too much and you're asking for trouble. Imagine getting told off or worse, slapped, over every little thing. Kids would be freaked out. They'd bottle up their feelings, and that's a one-way ticket to things like depression, anxiety, or in really bad cases, even thinking about harming themselves.

Balance is key here. Sure, a bit of strictness is needed, but don't go overboard. It's just as important to show some love, so kids feel okay about chatting with their parents without any barriers.

How would you feel if you were in the position of children who face strictness?

Putting myself in a kid's shoes, facing all that strictness would be terrifying. Just a look from my parents would have me shaking in my boots. I wouldn’t be able to chat with them properly or tell them what's on my mind, wary of scolding. That kind of fear can really mess with your head.


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I'd end up feeling lonely and down, especially if I couldn't hang out with my friends because my parents said no. Missing out on parties and get-togethers would make me feel even more left out and upset.

Kids need as much love as they do discipline. Non-stop nagging or worse isn't going to make any kid happy. It would just leave me feeling low and anxious.

As a child, what expectations do you have regarding your parents’ behavior?

If I were a kid, I'd want heaps of love and attention from my parents. I'd want to share all my worries with them and get their support and comfort. And if I do get told off, a bit of kindness afterward wouldn't go amiss.

I'd also want them to back me up in both my spiritual and physical growth. They should help me with my studies, but not push me so hard that I feel stressed out. It's all about finding that sweet spot between encouragement and pressure.


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I'd want them taking me to family gatherings and outings to meet cousins and friends. Total isolation is unhealthy. I'd also expect equal treatment regardless of siblings - no favoritism that might spur jealousy.

Letting me do creative activities and follow my passions matters too - there's more to life than hitting the books. But above all, I'd expect them not to be too strict all the time. The odd scolding is fine, just not constant beatdowns that mess with your emotions.

What are the negative effects of emotional blackmail?

Emotional blackmail is trying to shame or mentally pressure someone (like parents with kids) into doing something, using emotional language and drama. It can really damage children.


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The biggest harm? If parents constantly emotionally blackmail a child, their self-esteem gets obliterated. Dealing with stuff like "you're making me sick" or "my headaches are your fault” makes a kid feel worthless and oppressed. They internalize the message that they're a bad person.

Another bad consequence is the child gets anxious about making any choice in case it “hurts” the parents again. So, they second-guess important life decisions like future careers and clam up.

Throw in potential mental health issues like anxiety and depression too. Kids enduring this may need therapy to get back on track emotionally.

The bottom line? Parents should avoid emotionally blackmailing their kids. What children need is emotional support so they grow into confident, happy adults.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

I would like to invite @patjewell, @josevas217, @dove11, @paholags, @malikusman1, @irawandedy, @fjjrg, @harferri, @chant and @inspiracion to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 12-Dec-2023 | Achievement 1
 7 months ago 

How I wish having children came with a manual.

Strict yet not too strict... it is not always easy.
My kids tell me that I was way too strict with them when they were kids. Now I look at them and think that they are too strict with my grandchildren. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Good luck with the contest, and thank you for the invitation.

 7 months ago 

Thanks for stopping by. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Great post brother, it shows that you know what you're talking about, you give an enjoyable, smooth and interesting read, I really like your first paragraph, it is the beginning of a great post.

Too much of something is definitely never good, you have to know how to find balance, I perfectly agree with you. You said it in a perfect way.

The impact of strict parenting on children's mental health is significant. I reckon a bit of strictness is okay, but there's definitely such a thing as too much. It's super important to mix in some love too, so kids feel comfortable opening up and getting emotionally strong.

I hope we can all lead life as you say in your post, not always strictly, it really applies to everything.

 7 months ago 

I'm glad you like it. 😊

 7 months ago 

Ser un padre estricto no está mal, ya que los niños tendrán una clase de rutina y orden en su vida, está mal es excederse y ser demasiado estrictos con ellos. Éxitos en el concurso.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for the comment. I appreciate that. 😊

 7 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Estamos de acuerdo en que el problema de la educación estricta radica en lo extremo porque, cuando los padres cruzan límites que no son nada agradables, vemos escenarios de niños con trastornos de ansiedad o depresión al igual que, tampoco tienen buena autoestima.

Sin embargo, si el rigor es nivelado, esa exigencia conduce a que los niños desarrollen excelentes habilidades disciplinarias las cuales, permiten que se formen para cristalizar sus éxitos.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 7 months ago 

Thank you for the comment. 🙂

 7 months ago 

Hola amigo
tiene razón ser estrictos puede causar daño a las relaciones sociales y a desarrollar quizás rencor.
lo que queremos es que el hogar sea un lugar tranquilo para los niños por lo que esta bien ser estrictos pero también tratar de comprender y siempre sin involucrar la violencia.
suerte en el concurso.

 7 months ago 

Thanks for stopping by my post. 🙂

 7 months ago 

Hi Dear.
Greetings to you. Hope you are enjoying your happy life. God bless you. I like your explanation about the topic of the contest. Love, care, attention and polite behaviors all are required for children's mental health and also physical health. The strictness has benefits too but also some side effects as the children become rude and aggressive. The advantage is that the children's discipline can be improved. Best of luck for the contest. Wishing you success.
Best regards @jannat12

 7 months ago 

Thanks for the comment. It pleases me that you liked my article. 😊

 7 months ago 

Hellloo dear friend , how are you ? I hope so your life is going very well .

Love , attention , support and comfort ... i also expect the same from my parents .. in fact its the thing of every child 🌼. Its was good reading your post .

Best of luck , may you achieve wealth , health , success and prosperity in your life 🙏
Greetings from my side .
Have a nice day 🌼.

 7 months ago 

I'm fine, Alhamdulillah. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post. I really appreciate that. 😊

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 7 months ago 

Todo en exceso hace daño hasta la disciplina, muchos padres se pasan, no dejan que el niño hable y de sus opiniones.
Esto trae consigo graves consecuencia

 7 months ago 

Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

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