
in Steem4Bloggers8 months ago

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Do you support or oppose co-education?

Being Pakistani, I think the topic of co-education is a bit controversial and many might not agree with me. However, I want to share my personal views on co-education. In my opinion, co-education is a really good thing and should be encouraged. If boys and girls start studying together from a young age, it broadens their thinking. If they study in separate schools, they won't understand each other properly.


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Studying together in the same class is very beneficial. We can hear each other's opinions and change our thinking. When we are young, our thinking is limited, but friendship opens our minds. Both girls and boys care about being appreciated, so they give their best effort in class. This creates healthy competition and improves performance.

Later in life, when we enter the practical world, we have to work with both men and women in offices. If we aren't used to their company from a young age, adjusting can be hard. Co-education helps us get used to each other's company from an early age, positively affecting our personality.

Another thing, co-education helps us break free from gender stereotypes. We see that girls can be good at sports, win debates, and score well in science subjects. Similarly, boys can take an interest in cooking or art. This flexibility broadens our thinking.

Some people fear that co-education might lead to immoral activities, like inappropriate behaviour between boys and girls. But this only happens when we don't educate them properly. If we teach them from a young age that both boys and girls are humans and equally deserving of respect, they will understand this. We must make them realize that insulting or disrespecting any gender is wrong.

As long as we teach that men should be respected but not women, or that women should be controlled, gender stereotypes and exploitation will continue. But if we teach children that both are equal and should consider each other's feelings, they will accept this. If they realize that no gender is superior and both are equal, they will treat each other with respect and dignity. Immoral activities or harassment won't be a problem if their thinking changes. Therefore, it's our responsibility to educate them properly and make co-education successful.

In my opinion, co-education brings positive change. For a healthy society, it's essential to provide equal opportunities and challenge stereotypes. If we encourage this from a young age, our next generation will be more open-minded and tolerant. Their future and our future will be brighter.

Which educational system does your country support?

In Pakistan, there's a lot of confusion and differing opinions about the co-education system. Some people support and want to adopt it. However, others who mainly come from traditional backgrounds are against it.

In many areas of Pakistan, especially small towns and villages, boys and girls still go to separate schools. People think they shouldn't study together. Only a few elite schools in big cities offer co-education.

Gradually, things are changing, and co-education experiments are happening in local schools. The full implementation is hindered by poor infrastructure, but people's attitudes are changing. More parents want to send their daughters to school to learn.

Many religious people in Pakistan think co-education is wrong and against our culture and traditions. They believe boys and girls shouldn't study together as it's not in line with our teachings. However, I believe in the importance of scrutinizing every idea. If it proves to be beneficial, we should embrace it, irrespective of its cultural roots. While it’s crucial to honor our traditions, we should also remain receptive to new concepts.

The reality is that co-education can foster mutual understanding and respect between genders from an early age. Keeping them separate only perpetuates gender stereotypes. If students who have been part of a segregated system suddenly find themselves in a co-educational environment, such as a university, they may engage in inappropriate behavior due to a lack of understanding and respect for the opposite gender. This could be mitigated if they are taught to respect each other from a young age through co-education.

Can you list at least two pros and cons of co-education?

Let's talk about the pros and cons of co-education. The main benefit is that it eliminates gender stereotypes and divides. When boys and girls study together from a young age, their mindset changes. They understand that both have equal potential and abilities.

Another big advantage is the development of networking and communication skills. In today's world, you have to deal with both men and women in every field. If you haven't experienced their company in a co-educational setting, it might be difficult for you to adjust. But co-education gives you this experience.

As for the downsides, one concern is the start of immoral activities. But this only happens when there's no supervision. Proper guidance from schools and parents can prevent this issue.


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Another concern is the distraction factor. Some believe that when boys and girls are in the same class, they won't focus on their studies and just pay attention to each other. Again, the solution is proper guidance. If they are trained from a young age on how to interact with and respect the other gender, this issue won't arise.

In conclusion, we need to be progressive and change old mindsets. The first step towards an open society is co-education.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 14-Nov-2023 | Achievement 1
 8 months ago 

Thanks for inviting me! I support co-education as a former student in the same group. I missed this in two years 9th and 10th, otherwise I always was in co-education.

 8 months ago 

You have well explained about co education.Best of luck for the contest.My all best wishes for you.

 8 months ago 

Of course I largely agree with you. I've never known it any other way than in mixed classes. Nevertheless, educational researchers, who I consider to be very wise and progressive, recommend separate lessons in certain areas: simply because the mechanisms by which boys and girls grasp the same topic or problem are fundamentally different. For example, boys learn a lot by trying things out and girls learn by imitating. It's a broad field and I guess ideally every child would be encouraged and educated individually...

 8 months ago 

Yeah, the idea of separate lessons for certain "subjects" based on how different genders learn is pretty interesting. Thanks for the comment. 🙂

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 8 months ago 

Hola @waqarahmadshah
Vaya, este tema me llama la atención, y sé que es por cuestiones culturales, y muy específicamente religiosos, pero de este lado del mundo la co-educación o educación mixta es lo habitual, es la norma.
Lo menos habiitual son escuelas o colegios para un sólo género. Pero como lo fije al principio, sé que es por cuestiones culturales, y es necesario respetarlo.
Gracias por la invitación. Creo que me animaré a participar.

 8 months ago 

Thank you for your valuable comment, my friend. 😊


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