Steemit Engagement Challenge S14W3 - Parent's Strict Behavior and Children's Mental Health

in Steem4Bloggers7 months ago
Assalamu-o-likum to Everyone!


Well, Topic of discussion is very sensitive and important for the healthier lifestyle and well being of kids. Being Mother's too Besides of love , Strictness is also palys crucial role to acknowledge kids about the bad impact of anything in their life. Reason is that this generation kids are also not like old generation. They are not by birth obedient and calm. Because the today's 21st generation. Kids are too fast and very tough handle to them. Well, Kids the gift of Almighty Allah for us. For their well being love and limited Strictness is also important.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of parents strict behaviour?

Well, I think accordingly to my 6 years of parenting , Children can develop a sense of responsibility through the structure and discipline that strict parenting can offer. Excessive strictness, though, can cause anxiety or rebellion. It's critical to strike a balance between establishing appropriate boundaries and encouraging a supportive and friendly atmosphere.


In order to promote a balanced approach, it is essential to comprehend the benefits and drawbacks of strict parenting. Parents can establish a structured environment by recognizing the advantages, and they can make necessary adjustments to prevent unfavorable outcomes by acknowledging the disadvantages. A healthy parent-child relationship and the child's general wellbeing depend on parents finding a balance between nurturing and discipline.

What do you feel if you were at the place of such childrens who have to face strictness?

I remembered my childhood days, My father is used to behave strictly towards about our education. I still recalled the harsh words of our father to us. No need to do anything except sitting at your place for stick with your books. We had't allowed to go for outing, we hadn't allowed to attend any family function and even strictly our father ordered for us to not wear jewelry or apply makeup during your study age.

I think there Strictness was harsh that time but this time my elder sister is doing Government Job and besides of getting higher education I am also supporting my kids and husband through freelancing on the behalf of Steemit. Now I feel that their Strictness for us was harsh on that time but better this time. I am thank to my Father for showing his responsibility as a father and capable to us for supporting to our family.

As a child, what do you expect from your parents regarding their behavior?


Now, I am mother of two childs, haha but still I feel child in front of my parents. Because my kids are very naughty, Especially my elder daughter was too racy. She frequently used to take punishment from me because of her bawdy acts. My parents still strictly behaved me and said not to give her punishment, She is too young. She is a too young child , She will learn and not do again. I never regret them because I Know that parents always say right and suggest right for he sake of our well being. That's why their Strictness is really worthy and meaningful for me and better upbringing of my kids too.

What are the negative effects of emotional blackmailing?

Definitely, This is not a right way to acknowledge anything to kids by taking negative support of emotional blackmailing. They lose their confident, they lose their trust on their parents, they lose their bonding relations with their siblings and parents and even they feel shy to face socially. So, It's critical to identify and deal with emotional blackmail in order to encourage positive relationships and overall wellbeing.

I would like to invite my Steemit fellows @suboohi @irawandedy @solaymann @msharif for taking part in this honoring engagement challenge.Thansk for appreciation and valuable feedback on my participation too

Kind Regards


 7 months ago 

I agree with you; I believe that strict parental discipline is necessary to instill value in their children at a young age.

 7 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Hay padres que quieren ser estrictos en la educación de sus hijos para garantizar que ellos tengan la conducta adecuada a nivel social y, sean exitosos lo cual, está muy bien pero... A veces ese nivel de exigencia se excede de una manera inadecuada y, aquí es donde se rompen todos los límites imponiendo situaciones a los hijos olvidando así que, ellos también tienen derecho a decidir qué quieren hacer por lo tanto, la clave en esta situación es el equilibrio.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Parenting is tough and your insights really hit home. Finding the right mix of love and rules in today's fast world is so important. Your experience with your dad's strictness though tough at the time clearly shaped your success. Now as a mom you're nailing that balance between rules and understanding.

You are spot on about the negatives of being too strict especially emotional blackmailing. It is awesome how you have learned from your past to avoid those pitfalls. Your commitment to positive relationships and well being is truly inspiring. Keep up the good work your kids are lucky to have such a caring and wise mom 💖🌟

Assalamu-o-alaikum! 🌺 Your insights on parenting and strict behavior are thoughtful. Striking a balance between discipline and a supportive atmosphere is crucial. It's interesting to reflect on your own experiences and how your perception has evolved. The impact of emotional blackmailing on children is indeed profound. Kudos for inviting others to share their perspectives! 👏💖

 7 months ago 

Muchos padres deciden ser estrictos con sus hijos porque ven que es una manera de que ellos van a ser más obedientes y cumplir las reglas sin embargo tienen que ser equilibrados para que el niño pueda tener un buen desarrollo no hay que ser muy estricto pero tampoco demasiado permisivo
A los niños hay que educarlos siendo firmes pero con amor te deseo éxito en la participación

 7 months ago 

Excelente publicació amiga, nuestros padres quizás fueron muy extrictos, pero cuando lo pensamos en frio, ahora que somos mayores y vemos como debemos tratar a nuestros hijos, podemos decirs que actuaron con mucha responsabilidad, educandonos para que fueramos adultos responsables y respetuosos.
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