in Steem4Bloggers2 years ago

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Hello to everyone in this wonderful community. I say hello to you all this evening and I hope everyone is doing just great today and if so praise be to the almighty.

I welcome you all to a wonderful week of the steemit engagement contest that was brought to us all by the steemit team in other to help users interact with each other and to build the ecosystem via communication with ourselves.

I will be participating in the engagement contest that has been set by this community team in respect to the engagement challenge in the platform and has been titled If I were the Principal. So I urge us all to relax and stay put as I drop my entry.

What would you do for the growth of your school in academics?

If I were the principal, I would make sure that everything work in accordance to the standard of which the school is operating on.


I would make sure the setting of the school is in line with it standard and also improve the academic sector thereby employing capable teacher that have the teaching skills so that they can put them to use for the betterment of transferring knowledge to the students.

Through this medium, the school will develop both academically and in standard. With the use of a good managerial skills to oversee the operation of the school, making sure that all is in order then we will certainly see growth in all we do.

What tips would you give to the teachers regarding the maintenance of descipline?

Well we are in the 21 century and as such the old discipline is expected to be modernized. Now in modern schools, teachers handle lay their hands on students as though it has been considered not cool.

But there are other ways to maintain discipline in the school. Asking a student to kneel down is expected to be a way of punishment regarding discipline. Gone are the day where things are used to beat students.

Now there are better ways to maintain discipline and some of these ways are Be serious in the classroom setting, although you need to make the classroom lively but do not play with the students that much to avoid familiarity, make sure to checkmate every student in class and stop any unusual act is not included in the school setting**.


To maintain proper discipline, a teacher is expected to respect his or herself to the maximum level. Do not give your students room to disregard you or go against what is expected of the school. Make a concise list of the do's and don't of the school to guide the students on their activities in the school setting.

With the above listed, discipline will be maintained among students in the school.

Do you think sports should be promoted at school level?

Yes I do think so. Sport should be part of the curriculum in school. In fact it is considered as extra curriculum in the school, there should be a time for Sport as we all know that it helps to improve the brain.

When there is a lot of work and less play, it will make the students too serious and dull. So Sport should be promoted in the school.

What would you want to do to encourage the sports boys/girls in your school?

Yes I do. There should never be a case whereby the girls should be segregated regarding sport. There is always gender equality and as such, the sport will be done to encourage both the boys and the girls.

What do you do to provide the easy atmosphere for students to learn? (Behavior of teachers with students).

To provide a conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning processes to take place then I would recommend a teacher and students centered relationship. This implies that there should be interaction between the students and the teacher.

While teaching, it shouldn't be just lecture both also make use of discussions to help your students feel free to discuss with you as a teacher. Moreover you are a counselor and a facilitator, so there should be a balance in academics and other important issues related to students activity.

At last, tell us about the personality of your school principle in your matriculation level.

Back then during my school days, my school principal did great things as though she is a woman of action. She make sure that everything thing is done at the right time.

She always look out for our academic growth. She make sure that all our teachers are well trained and well resourceful for the jobs allocated to them. She is a woman with great standards and unlimited mindset. whatever she put her mind to attain, she gets it.

She is the reason why the school grew in large number because the students were excelling due to her good qualities and managerial skills that she employed in running the school. She is indeed an icon and a good mother. She always listens to the cry of her students and do the needful for them to excel.


It was a wonderful moment with you all today. Having talked about this contest topic intensively, I will like to invite certain users to also participate in this contest and they are @badmus-official, @memphis, and @skilocy.

 2 years ago 

Saludos @solexybaba

Un gusto leer tu publicación porque has realizado un gran trabajo trayendo puntos a la reflexión muy interesantes sobre la labor de un director de escuela.

Tus fotos están geniales en la escuela con esos estudiantes, yo también soy maestra de escuela y es una labor muy importante y dedicada.

Tienes razón cuando hablas de la disciplina, hay que tomarla de manera diferente pero hacerla presente con nuestros alumnos poner límites y reglas pero también hay que ponerse en su lugar.

Me encantó leerte. Espero que tengas mucha suerte. Un abrazo.


Your post has been supported by @josepha from team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 40%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.
Voting date:



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