THE DIARY GAME 27th October 2023 " My Friday Activities "steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem4Bloggers8 months ago

IMG_20231027_122021.jpgthumbnail photo of the day

I woke up in the morning and brushed my teeth as usual. After brushing my teeth I washed my face nicely and freshened up. Freshly I first entered steemit by turning on my mobile internet. After checking the notification I visited steemit for some more time. Voted on some valuable posts and reviewed the posts.

After that I ate healthy food as per my daily routine. Raisins are very healthy along with cashew nuts and almonds daily. So I developed a habit of eating it often. Anyway, after I ate healthy food, I concentrated on my studies. I know this food will help my brain surf.


Healthy food in the beginning of the morning, cashew nuts, walnuts and raisins.

I took a picture before eating them. Anyway I was focused on studies for quite some time. I was fully focused on my studies till breakfast. I took a break from studying at half past nine in the morning. Then I had breakfast. After breakfast everyone I reviewed some more posts. Then I vote on several posts.

Since it was Friday, I had to prepare for the prayer a little earlier. From twelve noon, I started preparing for Friday prayers. At twelve o'clock I took a bath and got ready for prayer. Saying Friday, I wore Punjabi and Pajama that day. I took a selfie just before going to the mosque. which is mentioned below.


The moment before going to perform Friday prayers.

Then I headed towards the mosque for prayers. I went to the mosque and appeared at half past twelve. I went to the mosque and offered Friday prayers. It was almost two o'clock before Friday prayers ended. Anyway, after finishing the prayer, I came home. I felt quite hungry when I came home. So I prepared to have lunch.

After lunch I rested for a while. Thus it was about half past three. Then I visited steemit for a while.At 4:30 in the afternoon, I prayed Asr. I felt a bit boring after finishing Asr prayer. So I had to refresh my mind. And that's why I went to the roof to admire the beauty of nature. I spent some precious time on the roof. The surrounding nature refreshed my mind. Which I thoroughly enjoyed till evening.


A selfie with nature.


Enchanting natural beauty in the afternoon.

Then I came to my room. I came to the room and prepared for the evening prayer. When I heard the call to the evening prayer, I performed ablution. Then I prayed in my room. After finishing the prayer, I was focused on the reading table. I lasted about an hour and a half at the reading table.

At 7:30 in the evening I took a break from studying. Anyway after that I had dinner. After performing the Isha prayer, I again concentrated on the reading table. After studying for quite some time I went to the roof to pass the important time. What is more precious time than the beauty of the moon, yes it fascinated me.I couldn't help but capture the image.


I am fascinated by the beauty of the magical moon at night.

I sat on the roof till 10:30 pm and was mesmerized by the beauty of the moon. The night seemed clear as day. I thoroughly enjoyed the dazzling light and the magical beauty of the moon. Then I came home and slept. That's how my day went.Thank you very much for reading my blog. May Allah bless you all and stay healthy always.


 8 months ago 

Nice diary game.This is a very good habit you take great care of your health.We should eat cashews, almonds and raisins, this keeps our health good and our daily routine also remains healthy. I wish you success.

 7 months ago 

Good habit to take care of your health as it is said that a healthy body has a healthy mind.

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