betterlife|The diary game|30-05-24|"Some special moments of the day"

in Steem4Bloggers26 days ago

Hello, Steemian friends,
How are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Today 30-05-24 and the day of Thursday. Today I spend the day with some ordinary activities. Today I am going to present some important events in my diary game. I hope you will like my today's diary game.

IMG20240530152429.jpgThumbnail Image of the day

Today I wake up at 7.30 am. I wash my hands freshen up and participate in some household chores. The first thing I do is clean my bed from the previous night. After doing some other work on the house accessories, I watered the flower tub located on the balcony.
I observe the condition of the plants and then prepare to go to the office. I take a shower and have breakfast. After eating bread for breakfast today, I went to the office after eating nabavi semai.

At the time of watering the trees

I ate nababi semie in the morning

On the way, I met an old friend. Sitting with him in the tea shop and having tea, finished some urgent matters and left for the office again. There was not much crowd on the road, so I got the car quickly. I reached the office easily.

IMG20240530101319.jpgAt the time meet my friend in tea store

IMG20240530103003.jpgWhen I went to office roads were empty
When I get to the office, I make a list of today's tasks and then try to finish them one by one.
I first started posting the bills of the goods purchased for the production of the company one by one. Posting yesterday's department-wise issues. I prepare monthly inventory reports for that report I have to enter daily purchases and issues. I continue this work till noon.

IMG20240530110308.jpgAt the time of taking tea in office

After lunch I start the second round of work, at this stage, I go to the store, check the stock of the goods, then I visit the production area. I observe the situation there, if there is any problem with the goods, I try to solve it, if necessary, then I inform the higher authority.


At the time round the production area
I met my Steemian friend and my colleague @Mahadiselim at one point while giving this round. Even though we work in the same office, we rarely see each other as the department is different. Whenever we meet, we talk about various things, including There are personal discussions, workplace discussions, and discussions about Steemit. Even today, we spend a lot of time talking, standing together on the street, and eating pineapple with a bit of salt, and then we went back to our duties.

IMG20240530155742.jpgI ate pineapple on the street with my steemian friend @mahadisalim

The office is closed. I cleaned my table and left the office. Before I go home, I have to go to the chicken market and buy chicken for home. I went to the chicken market and saw that the market was almost empty, there were no customers. I buy a chicken weighing two kg.


I am in chicken market

Chicken2 kg560 taka20.74 steem

I returned home with the market. It is around 9 p.m. I help the children with their studies for a while, They inform me about their studies. At 10.30 pm I eat dinner and at 11.45 I go to bed.

Thank you all of you for reading my post. I hope you will like my diary game. I am leaving today.
Allah Hafez.


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