"Steemit Engagement Challenge| S14W3|Parent's Strict Behavior and Children's Mental Health".

Greetings, Steem4Bloggers Community

Today, I am here to participate in the challenge announced this weekPOST LINK

The subject is established in our daily lifestyle.

However, before I proceed further
I would love to invite @chant, @steemdoctor1, and @waterjoe for this challenge.

Now, let me share my perspective;
related to the hints given inside the post.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of parents' strict behavior?

Parents foremost need to comprehend the proper meaning of being harsh or strict!

When? Why? There are so many lessons parents also need to know before performing with their children.

Earlier, I mentioned that while functioning in three different NGO's
I have witnessed so many practical scenarios that can give anyone goosebumps!

Incident where a mother added poison to the milk and killed her minor pregnant daughter!

Because the adolescent daughter was subdued by her father;
Can we take this practical story as the strict nature of a mother?

Another scenario where a child killed his mother with the help of his friends!
Before we find out the advantages and disadvantages of being strict towards children,

we must find out some answers-

  • Why do we ought to be strict?

  • Are we giving them a healthy atmosphere to grow?

We must remember a child's first education always begins at home.

Now, if I have to answer, then let me begin with the advantages-

  • One to five years is a vital period for any child;
    to give them the proper lessons.

  • In this period, a child adapts and acts just like their parents.

  • Child always copies how father behaves with mother and how mother behaves with father;
    and the rest of the members.

We don't need to be strict if we keep the home atmosphere healthy.

There are exceptions too.

The time when children grow up and start going to school,
At that time, we were mandated to check the bag properly regularly.
If anything stuff is seen in the bag not purchased by you, then ask the child-friendly way,

How did the thing come into the bag?

Besides that, could you find out the truth?
Do not believe children rashly at this point of age,
children lie because of our strict nature.

Calmly handle the situation, and if that doesn't work,
then consult a psychologist.

Time transformed, and with the advanced technologies
the thought process of children;
also changed a lot.

In my childhood, I was most mischievous and often scolded by my mother, but that never dissembled me;
like nowadays affected children!


  • Children can get the proper guidelines only from their parents.

  • Children can differentiate between do's and don'ts.




  • Sometimes, we transfer our frustrations to children and scold them unnecessarily.

  • At an early age, strict behavior is periodically required, but never try to be strict once a child goes through teenage.

One student killed his entire family because his parents were always strict about discipline and study.

When police asked him why he killed his sisters?
He replied I don't have the financial capacity to care for them!

The boy was calm by nature, and he brought the gun to the school;
and hostage all his classmates, along with the teacher.

What would you feel if you were in the place of such children who have to face strictness?

Ah! I always win the match! I never stopped crying until my father reached home, and I complained to him;
that my mother scolded me!

When my father asked the reason and scolded her(in an untrue way! Now I am apprehensive.) Then I gained relief!

Often, my elder sister called me a crybaby!

Everything is fair in love and war!

In my childhood, it was familiar to be scolded,
but now the scenario is something else.
Time changed, and with time, children's mentality also changed;
even parents' mentality also changed.

Earlier, parents never asked teachers why they punished their children. Nowadays, teachers come under these questions!

As a child, what do you expect from your parents regarding their behavior?


We don't have any expectations! Whatever they guided;
we followed(both sisters).

Because they knew the value of childhood and never gave us any targets.

Once we finished our homework, my mother had only one question;

Have you done it?

She believed our answers.
Because the report card was proof of our honesty.

However, I lost so prematurely,
many things we learned from practical life.

What are the negative effects of emotional blackmailing?

Emotional blackmailing to whom?

  • If it happens with the children, then for sure the children will commit suicide or be addicted to drugs!

  • Their mental health will be affected a lot.

  • If children do the same with their parents,
    then instantly confer with a psychologist because they often copy their friends.

Lastly, let me convey to all the parents;
begin from the beginning. Never compare your children with others;
and let them enjoy their childhood under the open sky.

That was all from my side.

Stay tuned, and stay blessed.



 7 months ago 

Una de las grandes ventajas de ser padres estrictos es que los hijos pueden ser más organizados más responsables y aprenden a cumplir leyes pero cuando los padres abusan de su poder como padre La grande ventaja es que el niño siente temor y miedo al no hacer las cosas como sus padres pero incluso muchos hasta tiemblan son niños tímidos y pocos comunicativos

 7 months ago 

Hi dear.
Greetings to you. Hope you will be fine by the grace of Allah almighty. You have well explained about the strict behavior of parents towards children. The strictness has both advantage and disadvantage. The strictness should not exceed the limit. The strictness sometimes affects the children's mental health which is very harmful and affects the children's personality.
Best of luck for contest.
Kind regards @jannat12



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Curated by : @enamul17

 7 months ago 

Dear, you have highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of strict parental behavior with few examples. Very nice and practical example given. If too strict, children become lonely. Again, due to the lack of strictness, many children become dangerous. Your writing is very logical. Good luck to you.

 7 months ago 

Tal como dijiste, el chantaje emocional es muy dañino para la salud mental de los hijos, los padres muchas veces se aprovechan del poder que tienen sobre sus hijos y los manipulan para que estos hagan lo que ellos quieren, no se dan cuenta del daño que les hacen a largo plazo, uno de estos daños son que pueden tener baja autoestima , también vivirán gran parte de su niñez con miedo hacia lo que sus padres puedan decirles o hacerles, pensaran que cometer un error es malo cuando no es así. Éxitos en el concurso.

 7 months ago 

Hello ma how are you feeling today? Your post is very amazing and top notch, now I fully understand why most steemians nominated you as best author.

Children really need to be treated with so much love as emotional blackmail is very bad because it can make them lose their confidence.

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