The daily dairy Game 06/06/2024

in Steem4Bloggers3 months ago (edited)

Aslam o Alikum

Hello guys.I hope so that all you are fine and spend a beautiful life . Alhamdullah I'm also fine and enjoy a beautiful life by the grace of Allah. Let's started then.
Today I get up early in the morning.And I pray the Fajr nmaz .Then I recite the Holy Quran.After recite the Holy Quran follow my daily routine . First of all I press the shirt.Because today is my second last paper.Then I take a shower.Therefore,I managed the everything is quickly.Then Im ready going for university.I collect the marker ball point and more things use in paper time.I pick the admit card because with out admit I'm not attempt the paper.Therefore, Lock the home and going towards the road . I pick the rikshaw and almost 20 Mints I'm reached at University.Then I pay the money rikshaw driver.Beacause 30 mints is remaining start my paper.So I walk quickly in mints reached at examination room.Im not revise the syllabus so I read the syllabus in mobile phone.After 25 mints invigilator cooming in the room.


Then invigilator called the every person all personal things as like mobile phone and Touch watches to keep on table.At least in five minutes later invigilator shuffle the paper in students.First of all I look the Mcqs paper.The Mcqs paper is almost easy and asked the answer direct way.In 15 mints I solved the Mcqs paper.But 5 mints is left Mcqs paper end.Therefore I filled the Subject paper sheet write the name Class section Registration Number and subject name.At least end the Mcqs paper time and invigilator shuffle the Subject paper in students.When I look the subject paper the question is almost is done.But 2 questions is make the confusion in my mind.But I start the paper and pick a First question.Then I solved the question and answer in direct way no involved the useless words. This question is solved in 10 mint's.Because the huge material write in question.I write this question almost in four pages.Then Drop the second question and Pick the third question to the paper.Firstally, I read this question fully attention.Then I start this question.First of all I write the definition of market strategy.There I solve this question almost 7 mint's.Because this question almost simple and asked the answer in simple.Almost in 50 mint's write the all questions and paper is my done.Because the last two questions create a confusion in my mind.But I have done this question.Then I read the almost question and clear the all confusion.So I give the paper invigilator and Pick the mobile phone on the table.As soon as eject the classroom my friend is asking about the paper.My other close friends finish the paper and then I'm going with friends for morning breakfast.Because in paper days Im eat the morning breakfast in morning time.So Im going with friends for breakfast and almost in 15 mints reached at restaurant.Firslally my friend is ordere the lassi so I drink the lassi.Then I start the breakfast with friends.I finished the breakfast in 30mints.After the breakfast open the yango in my mobile phone and book a ride for going hostel.Firstall I set location and ride Ac comfort. The rider is coming within 10 mints.Im reached at hostel in ten minutes.When I reached at hostel open the door and change the dress .Then I wear the simple room dress.Im so tired. Therefore I sleep take a rest almost 3 hours.After getting the 3 hours I take a shower and pick the mobile phone look the friend message and calls.Then Im going with friend towards the market and drink a Matka tea.Because my friend is Baloch from Balochistan and I'm a Punjabi live in Punjab reason is provided the information matka tea is not a part of Punjabi culture.Im not know this tea.My friend is said matka tea is special tea of Quetta and Balochistan sides.Baloch and Pashtoon like the matka tea because this is a part of culture.I drink the matka tea is first time in life.When I drink the matka the taste of tea is very amazing.Im not drink the as like tea in life.Im not explain the taste of this tea.The price of tea is high than the other milk simple. But matka tea is not compare the other tea. Because this Tea is totally different to the other tea.


Then I'm going back to hostel with friend.My friends is provided the all information about this Tea .Then I start the preparation for tomorrow paper.I prepare the half of above syllabus at mid night.Then I feel like hungry.I told my friend that I like eating pizza today.Then I order the small pizza nearby by shop papa Chinose.Almost in 30 mints pizza delivery boy reached at hostel.Then I give the pizza and pay the bill.Then I eat pizza with friend.


But taste of pizza is not like a good.The taste of pizza is almost average.My hungring felling is fulfill.Then I start the preparation again and cover remaining syllabus.In 3 hours cover the remaining syllabus.Then I'm ready for sleeping.i set alarm in mobile phone at 4 am.


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