Contest Alert! Radiations And MesteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem4Bloggers9 months ago

Hello ladies and gentlemen, hows' everything going on, hope you're all doing well. I appreciate @steemdoctor1 for hosting this amazing contest.

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What do you know about Radiations? Tell me about some radioactive sources.

You know, radiation is a pretty interesting topic. It's basically energy that travels in the form of waves or particles. There are two main types ionizing and non ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is strong enough to mess with atoms and can be harmful to living things.

Now, where does this radiation come from. Well, there are natural sources like uranium nd thorium found in the Earth. Radon gas, which forms from uranium decay, can also be a concern, especiially in homes. And you've got these cool radioactive isotopes they're like the rockstars of the radiation world. We use them in medicine, industry, and research.

Ever had an X-ray at the doctor's. That's ionizing radiation too X-rays and gamma rays are high energy electromagnetic waves used for medical imaging and treatment. Nuclear power plants also generate radiation when they produce electricity.


Give a few benefits of the radiations.

In industry, science, and medicine, radiation is a frequent and useful instrument. High doses of it are used to treat diseases like cancer as well as diagnosis disorders. Additionally, intense radiation doses are utilised to destroy hazardous microorganisms in food nd lengthen the shelf life of fresh goods. Nuclear power reactors utilise the heat produced by radiation to produce energy. Smoke detectors nd exit signs are only a couple of the consumer goods that use radioactive materials, in addition to numerous additional industrial and scientific applications.



Enlist some harmful effects of radiations of different types.

Radiation, isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Too much of it, especially the ionizing kind like X-rays and gamma rays, can mess with our cells, upping the odds of cancer and causing DNA mutations that pass down generations. Imagine acute radiation syndrome nausea, vomiting, even death all from a hefty dose of radiation. And those pretty sunbeams? UV radiation from the sun and tanning beds might give you a golden tan, but they also serve up sunburns and boost the risk of skin cancer and cataracts.

Ever heard of electromagnetic fields. Non ionizing radiation from sources like cell phones and microwaves might not cook you instantly, but they can heat your tissues, leading to burns. Some folks even claim to be hypersensitive to this kind of radiation, experiencing headaches and fatigue, although science hasn't fully backed this up yet. Even radon, a sneaky radioactive gas lurking in some homes, can mess with your lungs, cauzing cancer. And if a pregnant woman gets too much radiation,, it could lead to serious birth defects.



Do our electronic devices (phones, laptops, tablets, or other screens) emit radiation? What should we do to protect our health?

Absolutely, our beloved gadgets like phones and laptops do emit radiation, but before you start panicking, let's clarify. It's non ionizing radiation,, so it lacks the oomph to mess with our cells like ionizing radiation does. That said, it's still smart to be cautious.

Ever noticed how your phone gets warm during long calls. That's the radiation at work. To stay on the safe side, opt for speakerphone or use earphones while talking, keeping the device away from your noggin. Avoid carrying your phone in your pocket or bra ladies, this one's for you. And limit screen time, especially for kids. Taking breaks and keeping a healthy distance from screens can make a real difference.

Ever heard of airplane mode, It's not just for flights. Whenever you're not using the wireless functions, flick that switch. Also, resist the urge to use your phone when it's charging. Oh, and when getting a new device, check out its SAR value lower values mean less radiation.




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