Hello fellow steemians.

How are you all doing today? I hope you all are alright. I am delighted to be here once again with you all fellow steemians and members of this noble community, I want to assure you that this write-up will be an interesting and educating one with a well detailed explanation and I believe it will make great impact.

Morning diary

I woke up in the morning around 6:00 am and I found out that I was late as it was not the normal time I usually wake up, well I guess it was due to the fact that I've not been myself for a couple of days now. Actually, I do wake up by 5:00 am so that I can be able to do some of my home chores like washing our kitchen utensils, sweeping our compounds and preparing breakfast before going to school to teach my pupils.


I had to hurry up, so I woke my mom, dad and sister who were sleeping and I told them it's time and we were almost late for preparing and going out to our various activities though, they were to tired to listen to what I was saying but I succeeded. After some minutes, we commenced our early morning family gathering and devotions then we said our prayers and after that everyone dispersed to their various activities like sweeping and washing.

Immediately after the devotions, I brushed my teeth and also I ran to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast, something very easy and quick and that is noodles. It took me twenty minutes to prepare the noodles and I checked the time and discovered that it was 6:50 am and time is no longer by my side so I had to go to the bathroom and take my bath, dressed up them went to the kitchen and served the food.


After eating my food, I checked my time and I noticed it is 7:15 am, oh! I had to go because I only had fifteeen minutes left. so I took my bag then I bade mom, dad and sister goodbye and off I went to the school premises. When I got to the school it was 7:30, then I brought out our teacher sign book wrote my name and the time I came to school and also signed it. I was lucky because I came exactly at the right, if I had came to school by 7:31 am I would have been late to school and this was possible because the school is not distant from where I live.


When I came to school, I also saw my fellow teachers who came before me and I greeted them. After some time I heard the sound of the bell and all the pupils came to the devotional ground to observe their devotion before going to their various classes. With the supervision of a teacher, the pupils sang few hymns, prayed and did other activities that has to do with the gathering and after some minutes by the time the devotion has come to an end, the pupils we t to their various classes to observe their lessons.


I taught my pupils English and mathematics in the early morning hours. I taught them English with the title auxiliary verb and the pupils were happy and I in turn was happy that my pupils were really flowing with my teaching, I also taught them mathematics with the title fraction and they also went along with the teaching. I taught them other necessary subjects like Agricultural science and National Values and that was the end of the day's lesson the we dismissed and everyone made their ways to their various homes.


I felt very tired and hungry going home but I really had to go so I thought of going to our shop first so I can get a little rest there before going home. I went to our shop and saw my mom, I greeted her and told her I was hungry and she told me she haven't prepared anything yet, though I was a bit devastated at first but i still could not go home considering my condition at the particular time so I bought some snacks and soft drinks ate them and made my way home.

Just immediately as I went home, I took my bath and rushed to my workplace where we sew underwears. this is a place I spend the rest of my days after school. Infact it is a routine that after school I go to work. So I made my way to this very place and met my fellow workers and greeted them and they responded but everyone was idle, nobody was working so I had to call one of them and asked them the reason why they were not working and he told me some of the materials required to do the work were not available.


With the look of things, it seems my plan of working has been thwarted. I thought of going home but I remembered I still have few materials which i packed somewhere, I brought I out and I started working. My fellow workers were surprised I still had those but I could not share with them because it was not enough. After work that day I felt really tired because I didn't have much time to have enough rest.



In summary, I really had stressful day both at school and at my work place, I believe in the saying money is hard to get because I see myself trying to make ends meet on a daily basis. I greet you all fellow steemians and members of this noble community, I thank you all for your support towards me in different aspects.




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