Smart Shopping Tips

in Steem4Bloggers8 days ago


Midiagam Smart Shopping Tips

Sometimes someone likes to forget themselves to limit themselves in shopping.

And this time I will share smart shopping tips.

Shopping is one of the hobbies which are synonymous with celebrities. If not controlled, this hobby can lead to a consumptive lifestyle and excessive spending.

And this time I will give some smart shopping tips.

Create a monthly shopping budget

First we budget per month. Because, for example, if you really like shopping, a girl, for example. Buy make up, accessories, all kinds of things. That's budgeted every month.

Make a List of Grocery Items That You Need

If, for example, it's not really a hobby, for example, when we need it, we just want to buy it. We make a list from home. Today I went to the mall, wanted to buy this... this... this...,

Write. For example 5 items. Yes yes, when you go to the mall buy those 5 items, don't add more.

You don't have to shop for branded goods

When I shop, I don't look at what brand it is, but I see if I like it, whatever the brand, yes I buy, whatever the brand.

Mix And Match Existing Clothes

For example, today, the bottom is wearing jeans, but the top is still the same. So, that's the combination. So one shirt isn't only worn once. You can make it several times, it would be a shame if you only use it once, oh my God 😱

So, one t-shirt, the results are several styles.

OK, those are the tips, OK?

But speaking of branded goods, this is very interesting. Because there are certain circles who are really focused on certain brands, to the end to buy shoes they have to be this brand, clothes have to be this brand and so on.

But if for me, these tips are also for you too. If you are crazy about brands for example, don't become a fashion victim.

That's the most important thing, don't be a fashion victim, because for example, for branded goods, like shoes. You use roads and so on. Because to support the feet, it also deals with health.

Well, it's like that, you can think about it. But if it's just something else, that's free, whatever.

If we are still discussing this shopaholic phenomenon, even the consumerist behavior of Indonesian people is very important. Several manufacturers of fashion or automotive brands. That is very extraordinary the purchasing power of the Indonesian people.

For example, there are several automotive manufacturers who usually launch their products in Southeast Asia. We're talking Southeast Asia right?

They are focused on Thailand. But no, now they are Indonesia, this is a developing country approaching development yes.

And there is something more interesting, one automotive manufacturer from Austria, which usually produces motorbikes for trail. He specifically makes motorbikes for the highway, and they are only to be produced by the Indonesian people.

Ruaaaarr normal.

This is because the purchasing power of the Indonesian people is very high, right?

Therefore, their purchasing power is high, some of the products they use are also not inferior to the rest of the world. That also, we must also be more advanced than other nations.

But hopefully with this very high level of purchasing power, we can increase economic growth, that's what is important in my opinion. Support Indonesia's creative industry.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam


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