CONTEST ALERT: Who is your happiness?



Who is your happiness? Tell me about him.

My heart brims with bottomless joy whenever I peer upon my sister's precious daughter, a beacon of pure happiness in my life. This cherubic bundle of love, just six months old, has enraptured my soul completely. Her gurgling laughter and innocent giggles fill my days with warmth and purpose. Every time I hold her delicate frame in my arms, a profound sense of love and protection washes over me. In her eyes, I witness a world untainted by worries, a world where pure love reigns supreme. She's the epitome of innocence, a bitsy angel who has become the center of my universe.


Why is he the cause of your happiness?

The source of my unvarying happiness lies in the bottomless love I've for my sister's little daughter. She illuminates my life with her radiant smile and contagious laughter, effortlessly melting away any trace of sadness or despair. Her presence fills my heart with an inexpressible warmth, reminding me of the simple joys life has to offer. Through her innocent eyes, I find solace and a renewed sense of purpose. She's a constant reminder of the beauty that exists in the world, teaching me to appreciate the lowest moments and cherish the love that binds us together. She's the pure essence of my happiness.

Which is the best moment spent with him? Please share.

Among the innumerous cherished moments I have shared with my sister's little daughter, one stands out as the epitome of joy. It was a sunny afternoon in the park, where we sat on a blanket beneath a towering oak tree. As she sat on my lap, her bitsy hands clasping mine, we watched various butterflies flit and dance around us. Her eyes widened with wonder, mirroring my own enchantment. In that serene moment, time seemed to stand still. We laughed, whispered secrets, and soaked in the beauty of nature together. It was a magical connection, a bond forged in love and shared awe, etching a memory I hold dear forever.


My sister's little daughter isn't only the cause of my happiness but also the source of innumerous cherished moments. Her presence in my life fills me with inexpressible joy and a renewed sense of purpose. Whether it's witnessing her contagious laughter or sharing magical experiences together, she has the remarkable ability to bring out the stylish in me. Through her innocent eyes, I'm reminded of the beauty and simplicity that frequently gets overlooked in the chaos of diurnal life. She's a constant reminder to embrace the precious moments and treasure the love that surrounds us. With her, happiness knows no bounds.

 last year 

Aww, dia terlihat menggemaskan. Tidak heran ketika anda menyebutnya:

She's the epitome of innocence, a bitsy angel who has become the center of my universe.

Karena dari foto yang anda bagikan saja sudah terlihat tingkahnya yang luci, menggemaskan, dan membahagiakan siapa saja yang melihatnya. Apalagi anda bisa bersamanya langsung!

Terima kasih telah berbagi di sini. Semoga anda sehat selalu

Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you found the photo adorable. I try to provide useful and entertaining information. Hope you are also healthy always!

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