Steemit Engagement Challenge | S14W3 | Parent's Strict Behavior and Children's Mental Health

Dear friends,

I am Jyoti from India and today I am happy to submit my entry to this SEC 14 Week-3 contest:

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Parent's Strict Behavior and Children's Mental Health

What are the advantages and disadvantages of parents strict behaviour?

The duty of parents is to take care of their children. At the same time strictness is essential.


Being strict with children has many advantages, but also some disadvantages. As far as I am concerned, being strict has many benefits for children. They mean that children who are treated strictly grow up disciplined. If they are disciplined then they will not face any problem later on. They are not involved in any criminal activities. As well as respect in the society, education and positions automatically come to them. The best way to teach children manners is to be strict.

If our raising way of children is right then later in life there will be no crime in the society. Our children grow up in a different environment from the one we grew up in. So whatever things our parents used to scold us for, we no longer need to focus on those things while raising our children.


STRICTNESS should be like a sweet pill, not painful like an injection. Children are very delicate and too much reprimanding them is prone to affect them mentally. They hate their parents. They refuse to be friendly with their parents, so they cannot interact with them, so their parents do not know what they are doing, and that makes their morals questionable. Sometimes over-reprimanding even becomes an opportunity for children to make wrong decisions. Children who are reprimanded excessively may even become psychotic.

What do you feel if you were at the place of such childrens who have to face strictness?

Perhaps if I had been under such strict parents I would certainly not have done anything wrong, because I would have thought and feared that the punishment would have been too severe. On the other hand, there are parents who punish their child without examining whether he has done something wrong or not. I would have hated parents like that. Because parents should be role models for children. They must investing and find the the truth and give justice and not give injustice to children.

As a child, what do you expect from your parents regarding their behavior?

If we are to give advice to someone we must be qualified to give that advice. For example, when a parent advises his child not to smoke, he should always be a non-smoker. If you are the only one who smokes and instructs your children not to smoke, it will turn their children away. I expect my parents to be disciplined and disciplined as well. Similarly, we expect parents to trust us and often doubting will ruin the relationship between the two. I believe I could accept nothing more kindly than strictly.

What are the negative effects of emotional blackmailing?

Emotional blackmail makes kids lose faith in parents. Once blackmail them with criticism, they believe it, but when parents do it repeatedly, they get frustrated.

Instead, make the children faith to God, even at an early age, children should be inculcated with devotion to God and the idea that God will punish them if they do something wrong, even if they belong to our religion. Children are also more likely to make mistakes because they are taught at an early age that God is watching over us no matter what we do.

I would like to invite



@fadlymatch to participate in this useful contest and win.


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 7 months ago 

Hi @jyoti-thelight . I am agree with your view. Strict parenting has advantage and disadvantage too. Parents strictness helps kids grow disciplined, respected, and successful.

But too much strictness can harm them mentally . It's may develop hate and rebel against their parents.

I also would prefer fair relation among the children and parents.Best wishes for you for the contest.

Hello friend
We must act strictly to your children in love If we are strict to them they feel pain but you rightly said reprimanding should be a sweet pill and not a painful injection! Which is a good narrative too. On the bright side the strictness nakws these kids more disciplined and they tend to be less criminal Activities in the society too. I enjoyed your entry and success in the challenge my dear friend

 7 months ago 

Being strict to children's is good, because it is a way of teaching childrens about morals. Some children lean things in the hard way whereas some softway. Nice post from you. Good luck.

 7 months ago 

Dear, the benefits of strict behavior from your parents are very real. A little stricter will not involve children in crime. Crime will decrease in the society. But excessive rigor hinders children's educational growth. As a result, when the children grow up, it becomes difficult to move in the society. Your writings are very important for a parent. Good luck to you.

 7 months ago 

El equilibrio entre la disciplina y la complacencia amorosa es crucial para la crianza de los hijos. No es bueno ser demasiado permisivo ni tampoco es recomendable la rigurosidad implacable, sin matizarla con muestras de cariño. Éxitos, amiga. Saludos.

 7 months ago 

El papel de los padres es súper importante, ellos son los primeros que nos enseñan muchas cosas como modales, valores y principios, muchos padres son extremadamente estrictos pensando que es lo mejor para sus hijos, sin embargo no se dan cuenta del mal que les pueden hacer. Éxitos en el concurso.

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