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RE: ¡Alerta de concurso! Brush Brush Brush, haz que el mundo sonría

in Steem4Bloggerslast year

hello my dear friend @tahispadron

I am so happy to see your mentioned.I am always encouraged to take care of your and baby's teeth. I am really happy to see your enthusiasm.Oral health largely depends on regular oral hygiene practices. Keeping the mouth clean prevents tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontal disease, halitosis or bad breath and other dental problems. Such awareness is needed at both professional and personal levels. Conscious tooth brushing along with regular dental cleanings by the dentist removes dental calculus or tartar and harmful bacteria residing on the teeth. Tooth scaling is done for professional teeth cleaning. At this stage, the application of various types of equipment is seen.I always wish you all the best. Awesome write up. Congratulations friend,
best regard @jannatmou

 last year 

Hola amiga.
Fue un gusto atender tú invitación, esté tema es muy interesante, porque tiene que ver con nuestra apariencia, para poder mostrar nuestra mejor sonrisa.

Si practicamos un buen cepillado dental, vamos a tener una linda sonrisa y una higiene bucal.

 last year 

I think brushing makes me smile thanks

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