Betterlife Dairy Game Found Money

in Steem4Bloggers2 months ago


I had something strange happen to me today. I made my daily foray to the waterfront, but for some reason my phone Actifit app step counter was not working. I touched some buttons, not knowing what I was doing but I got the counter working. Now I had to walk to be able to get at least a 5,000 step count. So I started my walk on the town's main street which has about 20 blocks and then took a right turn.

While I was on this stretch of road, just a little ahead of a Pizza restaurant, I heard a woman call Don, Don (Mr. Mr.) I was the only one around so I figured she was calling me so I turned around and looked. It was a shabbily dressed woman and I figured she would ask for money. Today I was broke, I only had one Lempira which is worth about USD 0.04, you can buy nothing with that. I just had it to not be completely broke. So I thought I am not giving her my last Lempira and continued walking. But then she actually shouted and said Don, espere. (Mr,. wait) so I had to stop.

She came up to me and said here, you just dropped these two hundred Lempiras. And she tried to shove this money in my hand. Now, I am not the most honest person in the World, but I just don't take something I know isn't mine. So I told her, Lady all I have is one Lempira that two hundred is not mine. But she insisted, she said she was coming behind me when she found it and it had fallen from my pocket. By now, I was feeling kind of uneasy, so I looked all around, maybe she had some confederate who would try to mug me and steal my Lempira. But there was no one around.

I continued walking and she tagged along telling me I had to take the money, obviously I kept refusing, until I told her, look you found it, it is yours, you just made your day. And she told me she didn't want to be thought of as a thief. I told her if you found it, you don't know who dropped it, it is yours, money is like that. I think that finally convinced her and she told me OK, my daughters asked for some clothes anyway, and she at last walked away.

What gets me is who in the world is going to be so adamant to give money she just found to someone she in no way saw dropping the money and nearly demanding I take it. I don't know this really has me uneasy, I don't know what could have happened if I had taken that money.


Thank you, friend!
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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

That's quite an interesting encounter you had! It's not every day that someone insists on giving you money they found, especially when you were initially hesitant to accept it. It's understandable that you felt uneasy about the situation, but it's commendable that you stuck to your principles and refused to take money that wasn't rightfully yours. It's a reminder that honesty and integrity are values that should always be upheld, even in unexpected circumstances. Thanks for sharing your experience!


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