The diary game 21/5/2024

in Steem4Bloggers26 days ago

Assalam o alaikum!

I am @fawadaslam from pakistan. I hope so you all are fine with the grace of Allah almighty. I am here with you to discuss my day with you First I get up at 7am because today I went to university Because today is my last presentation.

And I call my friend that he also came in a university because I want to learn my exploring quantitative skill subject because this subject is so tough and I face so many difficulty in this subject there for I went to university .

So I went to Washroom and wash my face and clean my teeth and take a shower then I press my clothes and with in twenty minutes I am ready for university then I put my uni bag and come outside of the hostel.

Then I cross the road and took a rickshaw and then I reached in a university in twenty minutes Then I went to class but I am shocked Because no one student came there and in our university the paper is going on and the class attendant is on the room and arranged the chairs for students.

Then I wait in the outside of the our classroom for the fortunately students and teacher are come in class and attend this but my bad luck no one came there then I call my Cr for asking about the matter then he tells me the whole thing.

Then I stand up from the sofa and went to the football ground but there is a minimum students there because the students are busy in the papers and there is very hot today and the temperature of the today is forty five but feel like fifty then I sit here for a while then I went to the university cafe for doing breakfast.


After done it I again went to university because my friend are came in university and I discussed exploring quantitative syllabus then I re-enter in a university and went to the electrical engineering building because outside is very hot then I sit on a table and wait for my friend.


Suddenly my phone rang and I see that's my friend call and then I pic it went to the university main cafe floor and we are sit here and discuss the syllabus.


After discussing it I come back to the university gate and pick the rickshaw and went to the hostel after reaching hostel I again take a shower and fill my water bottle with water and drank water and then I try to sleep.

After sleeping three hour I got up and then I started studying for the preparation of papers then I went to park which is about to half of the kilometres of our hostel for refreshment here I saw many children's as well as adults are playing cricket and football and some people's are came there for a walk because excercise is very important for health.


As you know health is a great wealth after spending half an hour then I call my roommate for doing mess .
He also came there and then we both went to doing mess after doing it we come to the hostel back and start studying after that we went to the milk bar shop and buy mango and strawberry milk shake and enjoyed it.


Thanks for visiting my post!

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