"Contest :How is Your Friendship?"

in Steem4Bloggers6 months ago

Having friends who stands by you when you need them is the best thing anyone can have. Friends are helping hands in times of trouble and we should be weary of the type of friends we keep as they can Serve as tool in the hands of enemies to bring you down.

What is friendship according to you? Give details.

In my own opinion,I would say that friendship is the bond that exists between an individual and people. This bond could be mutual.


Friendship is one of the most valuable things in life. Everyone understands this in there own way.But in today's world where money and power has become everything,it has become difficult to find true friendship. As the saying goes,true friendship is like a diamond. It is rare and expensive Therefore there are fakes. True friends is like a gift from God.

Many people says true friendship should have common interest,but in my own view, to have common interest as friends is good but you can also do without them, taking for instance, if one person is into Music and the other is into football, that's good because they tend to compliment each other.

How do you enjoy friendship?

I will start by saying that,a friend in need is a friend indeed. A true friendship is one in which the people involved compliment and assist each other in times of want. Let's say out of 10 friends,and you happen to be in trouble and you reach out to all of them but in return,6 of them was able to help out, that's friendship.


In our today world,we are beclouded with selfish interest which makes it harder to find true friends not to talk about enjoying friendship but not withstanding,you enjoy friendship when you are not too expectant from them.

What was the best moment spent with your friend?

Moments do come and go which is to say that, moments are constant but some are not to be forgotten. In my own case,I have so many memorable moments with friends but I have a particular moment I cherish so much.

It happened to be on 25th of December,I had a friend (girl) whom I have been friends with for long but we have been that close to the point of hanging out. But on this day 25 of December I got a call from her asking that we hang out,at first I thought it was a joke but she was serious from the way she sounded, I said ok,I gave her direction to my place. In the next 1hour,I got a call from her that she's at my junction, omor at this juncture,I became fully convinced that she meant it.


One thing led to the other,we went out on a date and I had the best moment of my life with her. And this same lady happens to be someone I wish to settle with (inshallah).

Friendship is the strongest bond of soul.your argument

Before I start my argument,we should understand that a true friend is one who no matter What, comes to your aid. Yes we have families who look out for us but there are friends Who seems closer than family. Most times when I need assistance,I don't turn to my family not because they won't assist but I have friends who can go any length just to see me happy so I go to them and I must confess that I am blessed to have such friends.

Friendship happens to be the strongest bond of soul in the sense that, your friends are like first aid. For instance, when a person has an accident, the first thing is to administer first aid before taking him or her to the hospital so is our real friends, because they are the first people to notice our discomfort and tries to Know why you are sad.

 Thanks for reading through my post.

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To participate.


Amazing content

Thanks dear

I enjoyed reading your post about friendship. It's so true that having friends who stand by you when you need them is such a valuable thing. I completely agree that true friendship is like a diamond - rare and precious. It's also great to hear that you believe friendship can exist even without having common interests. I think it's important for friends to complement each other and support each other's passions. Your story about the best moment spent with your friend on Christmas day was heartwarming. It's amazing how friendships can bring so much joy and create unforgettable memories. I also agree with your argument that friendship is the strongest bond of the soul. Friends are like first aid, always there to support and uplift us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on friendship, and I appreciate your positive outlook.

Thanks for your reply and grateful

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