Steemit Engagement Challenge S14W5 - My Favorite Developer on Steemit

in Steem4Bloggers7 months ago


Happy Xmas Beloves

How are you all doing I hope all are moving fine and good, Well is a nice contest and am so happy to participate in it, I will also love to send my regards to @steem4bloggers for giving out such opportunity for we members to throw out view concerning this particular topic. Well I must say that all the developer in this great platform are really doing so great and amazing, insuring that this particular Ecosystem move to a greater heights, the have created some certain avenue so that certain things will be easier for we the users, below I will be discussing on my favorite developer on this great platform and how he has be of good benefits to steemit as a whole

Who is your favorite developer on the Steemit platform and why?

My favorite developer on steemit platform is no other body than @steemchiller. Well I so much love him so much, and love reading this his content all the time, his is my role model and I really which to get to his standard, am looking up to him as a child and I believe that I will be life him in no distance time, well @steemchiller is so hardworking ensuring that we the users, get all the necessary information concerning this great platform.


Why I choose him as the best developer on this Ecosystem is this

  • He provides valuable information concerning this great Ecosystem

This is why I love him so much, even before SBD came back, he ready updated we the members that such will be coming, he was stand to he providing important information concerning this platform, telling we the users were next the platform is heading to and also making it easier for better understanding of steemit platform

IMG_20231226_224607.jpg[SCREENSHOT USING MY PHONE]

  • He keep updating we the users

@steemchiller is really good is this area, I keep going through his content every day and night and indeed I have understood many things through this blog, this gentleman always update we the users on things that will happen before it happens, will especially the arrival of SBD, @steemchiller has continually keep updating us on everything about SBD and many other things.

👨‍💻 Any tool that he/she created for Steemit? And share your experience while using that tool.

Yeah, he has really created a nice tool that has really served as a good benefits to this great Platform as a whole, he created the popular used tool this this great platform which is the STEEMWORLD, all though am a newbie but I have made some research and finally gotten the results that he us the one that created the most popular tool we normally used to get some vitals information which is the STEEMWORLD.

IMG_20231226_224910.jpg[SCREENSHOT USING MY PHONE]

Well my experience with this tool is a nice one, and through it I normally get some certain information that I always wish to get, well through the help of this great tool he created I has made it so easier to get some information let, current reward, voting CSI, previous and current post, pending rewards, recovery password and also changing of password and finally getting to know the amount of you Steem, steempower, Tron and and and also know who you delegate your Steem to.


This tool is of good benefits to we the users, and has made if information more easier to get, it has also help we the users to understand how the great platform works and serves as an avenue for we the users to access many things, his tool is one of the best tool I so much love using and it is easier to access and give accurate information in return

👨‍💻 Give a developmental idea for the betterment of Steemit and share which new feature you want to see on the Steemit platform


I will really love to see this features in this great platform, I really wish such tool will be created, for easier communication among we the users, steemit developer should think of a way to create, a platform like WhatsApp for only we the users in this Ecosystem, for easier communication, video call, voice call and many more, hope it will go a long way to solve the issue of communication and make it more flexible.


Thanks for going through my content, Hope it was so Interesting, Am inviting @saintkelvin @goodybest @ngoenyi


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 7 months ago 

Steemchiller has indeed worked hard to ensure that we users get all the necessary information about the Steemit platform, I agree with you, it's only natural that we make him our favorite developer.

Yeah, he is really hardworking and a role model as well, Thanks for you lovely comment I really appreciate

 7 months ago 

The developer you described has a wonderful personality and has always played a key role in developing new products that have improved our quality of life. The events are fantastic, and your post is commendable, of course.Best of . luck.My all best wishes for you.

 7 months ago 

Steemchiller has really done a great job by creating this valuable tool, Steemworld. As it's name implies, it provides information about the world of Steemit and our personal accounts. Your idea of creating a platform which Steemians moves to know each other is much appreciated. Good luck

 7 months ago 

Hola amiga

Si hubiera un premio para el desarrollador más nombrado seguramente este desarrollador ganaría muchos porque la gran mayoría de nosotros lo hemos escogido como nuestro desarrollador favorito y es que su herramienta Es muy completa y todos la sabemos usar.

En esta herramienta puedo buscar información de muchos días atrás y por eso me gusta.

La idea de tener una bandeja de entradas como la de WhatsApp para los usuarios también Es una muy buena idea.

Suerte en tu concurso


 7 months ago 

I've also been looking forward to such an avenue where we users can communicate or chat with ourselves on the platform like other social medias. It's good to know you choose steemchiller as your best or favourite developer because of what he has done which undoubtedly has helped us on this journey. Wishing you best of luck in this challenge and looking forward to reading more of your posts.

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