"Witnesses in the Blockchain | Contest 01 by @cryptoloover

in Steem4Bloggers2 years ago (edited)


Hello guys I hope you are all ok and enjoy your best life by the grace of Allah Almighty I am here for participate in the contest I saw this contest I feel this contest is totally different from others so I like to participate in this so let's start:


prepared from

Content can be edited for 7 days after creation, and content will be frozen and rewarded after 7 days. The rewards allocated to the content are divided into two parts. A portion called the publishing reward will be allocated to content creators and will always be at least 50% of the total reward pool. The second part, called the curatorial prize, goes to the curator. Content curators are users who rate content positively. The curator's reward is not evenly distributed among curators, but depends on vote strength and position in the vote: being the first curator (first negative vote) pays more.

Because downvoting reduces the reward assigned to a piece of content, downvoters will not receive curation rewards.In Steemit, each user has a reputation score, which is used to measure the value the user brings to the community on the platform. Additionally, this is a mechanism designed to help reduce abuse of the Steemit platform. Each new user starts with 25 credit points. After that, the user's reputation can be increased or decreased.

A user's reputation increases when their content is positively rated by others. On the contrary, denial will lower your credibility. However, only users with low reputation scores can affect your reputation.

What are witnesses on steemit?

The Steam blockchain requires more than one person to create blocks and uses a node Lcode mechanism. If so, there are social roles in steam. The Steem community gets to choose witnesses and remove them from the voting system based on Dolbrai Tidolbrai. Each Steam user can submit up to 30 vote witnesses, and these votes are weighted according to the user's stake and used to rank witness nodes. This classification is used to determine which witness can add a new block to the control. Witnesses cannot vote for the same witness.

Voters can be revoked if users no longer support witnesses. Revoked witness votes are free to vote again on any witness node.The top 20 witnesses will act as full-time block miners, generating blocks within 63 seconds. 21-ice shares alternate witnesses, which is a proportional number of normal .stuff hops. Witnesses are compensated in STEEM Power for each block they create, but unlike Bitcoin, all newly created cryptocurrency is owned by the block's creator, and Steem distributes the rewards to multiple participants.

In fact, only 10% of the new coin is paid to the block producers (witnesses) as we will implement in Section 3. Officially, a Steem Witness is someone who runs a witness server (generates blocks) and covers the flow of STEEM value throughout the network. / dollar.

If witnesses are not produced during your interval.Witnesses contribute to the witness rating for the best 19 witnesses (who receive 1 case in 63 seconds). 30 level witnesses can produce D-blocks compared to 50 level witnesses with thick boxes.

What role do the witnesses play in blockchain?

In cryptographic terms, a witness basically means a signature. It proves the authenticity of something. In a Bitcoin transaction, the witness is the content of the signed script, as it proves that the transaction has been verified. Isolation means separation, so we separate the contents of the signing script from the transaction, effectively leaving the signing script empty.

The block is set up as before, with one important difference. Segwit introduces a new blocking rule: if a block contains a Segwit transaction, the Coinbase transaction must have a witness responsibility issue. This witness commitment is the combined hash of the root hash of the witness and the secure value of the witness. The witness root is the Merkle root of all transaction witness txids (wtxids) in the hash block. wtxid is the hash of the transaction, including witnesses (if any).

There is an exception for coinbase, whose wtxid is always defined as 32 null bytes. The protected witness value is reserved for future system updates.

How to check steemit witness rank with details?

Yes now we discussed about how to check witness through steemworld so let's start:

  • First of all go to steemworld and login your acount and click on the witness overview in 2nd number;


  • Now click on the witness overview and you find the list of all witnesses of different;


  • Now go on 85 you find the witness pakistan click on it;


  • Now click on pak witness you see totally about it;


so this is method of checking the witness.

My witness vote is here for pak witness

Now I discussed about my witness vote for pakistan because witness witness is so important to grow any witness acount especially when you are new so let's start;

  • First of all go to steemit wallet and cluck on witness vote;


  • Click on witness vote you find 85 number of pak witness click on upvote;


  • Upvote is completely;


so this is my whole post about witness on steemit and I try to my best and I upvoted the pak witness for supporting my well wishes with this witness team.

Thank you

Achievement 1

Special Mention


written by:@cryptoloover



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