Steemit Engagement Challenge | S14W3 | Parent's Strict Behavior and Children's Mental Health".

in Steem4Bloggers9 months ago

It is believed that every parent has their behavior. Some parents are very strict while some are not. Some are just calm and soft but both have their merits and demerits. At the same time, too much of everything is bad. Being too strict is not nice and being too cold is not nice too. As a parent, you have to be average so you could make a balance. I’ve got a few questions to respond to about strict parents and their behaviors in general.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of parents strict behavior?

As I said earlier, there is nothing with advantage without disadvantage. I’d start from the advantage here. If parents are strict, the child will have the fear of his or her parents in mind. If he does so, he won’t do what his parents do not want him to do. Any child who is nurtured by strict parents always make sure that they do their things well and right so they won’t face the wrath of their parents.
Well, the disadvantage of having strict parent is that the child may be scared to tell his parents about his troubles because he or she may believe that his parents will beat or be harsh on him. Some people who were trained by strict parents tend to hide things from their parents because they never can tell what their parents will do when they hear what they want to say and it is always good for kids to open up to their parents.

What do you feel if you were at the place of such children who have to face strictness?

I will feel bad. I don’t think there is any child who will be happy if his parents are very strict or harsh. I will feel unloved and begin to think my parents do not love me. I’d begin to think about various things and can make me have some kind of dislike for my parents.


That may not be nice but that is exactly how I will feel.

As a child, what do you expect from your parents regarding their behavior?

I want them to be at the middle. What do I mean by that? I want my parents to be less strict. They should be strict when they need to and they should be nice when they need to. They don’t have to be harsh or cold on everything. At the same time, I want to have a bit of fear for my parents so I will respect and will always want to listen to them. They also need to be sometimes cold so Is be able to tell them whatever I’m going through in school, amongst my friends and so on.

What are the negative effects of emotional blackmailing?

One of it is that a child will not be outspoken. Such a child will always be scared and think that he will be shouted at or insulted whenever he talks or make a complaint. It is very bad and such a child may feel that no one loves him or her and may even be feeling left out amongst his friends and siblings.


Those are what I feel about strict parents. I know my friends may feel the same way or otherwise and that’s why I’d be calling on @joshwolfman @adaeze and @adunni to know their takes on this.

 9 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

En una educación siempre debe estar presente la enseñanza de los límites porque, esto nos permite comprender de manera disciplinada que, cuando nos dicen que NO, no es por maldad ya que, se trata de que nuestros padres, quienes son unos excelentes guías evitan que hagamos cosas incorrectas.

Tengamos presentes que, tampoco deben abusar en dicha disciplina porque, cuando se extralimitan, las desventajas apagan inmediatamente las ventajas.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Strict attitude of parents is always good to correct life. No parent thinks bad of their children.
Good luck.

 9 months ago 

Thank you so much for sharing your valuable views with us.
Parents behave should be volatile based on conditions and situations they should be strictly in somewhere and friendly in most of the cases.

 9 months ago 

Saludos amigos
Cuando los padres son muy estrictos con sus hijos y no escuchan sus opiniones ponen entre ellos una barrera que es la comunicación los niños temen en decirle a los padres Cómo se sienten por temor a ser castigado así que los padres debemos ser equilibrados con nuestros hijos al imponer las normas y reglas en nuestro hogar

If the parents are strict it's good for the best grooming of the child. I agree. You said you want to be I'm the middle. I think this is too good of you. In middle will help us not to do wrong deeds and at the same time we will feel our parents love us.

Good luck in the contest.

I enjoyed reading that your parents were both gentle and strict with you. When he needed strictness, he also did it. But he treated you with love and you respected him. He believed everything he said. So it is the result of their values that today even at this age you are remembering their values and sharing them with all of us. May you get success.

 9 months ago 

Yo también me sentiría mal si estuviera en el lugar de esos niños con padres estrictos. Mis padres son medianamente estrictos con lo que es necesario, ellos me dan libertad y yo no me aprovecho de esta. Ellos han hecho un buen trabajo criandome sin necesidad de ser tan estrictos. Éxitos en el concurso.

¡Hola @bisolami! 👋🌟

Tu reflexión sobre el comportamiento estricto de los padres es muy perspicaz. Estás en lo correcto al señalar que hay tanto ventajas como desventajas en ser estricto. La idea de encontrar un equilibrio es clave para fomentar un ambiente saludable para el crecimiento de los niños. 🌱💕

Tus respuestas reflejan empatía hacia los niños que enfrentan estrictas disciplinas y cómo esto puede afectar su perspectiva y emociones. Es valioso que pongas énfasis en la importancia de la comunicación abierta entre padres e hijos. 🗣️💬

Invitar a tus amigos a compartir sus opiniones en este tema enriquecerá la conversación y proporcionará diversas perspectivas. 👥🔄

¡Gracias por participar en el Steemit Engagement Challenge y por compartir tus reflexiones sobre este tema tan relevante! 🚀💖

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