"Steemit Engagement Challenge | S14W3 | Parent's Strict Behavior and Children's Mental Health".

in Steem4Bloggers7 months ago

Parents Strict Behaviour and Children's Mental Health

Photo by Monstera Production


Good day to you, I welcome you to my page.

Here I'm going to be discussing about the Parents Strict Behaviour and Children's Mental Health.

I talk about the effect that strict parents have towards their children.

As you go through the write-up, I hope it will be worth your while.

🙍 What are the advantages and disadvantages of parents strict behaviour?

Parenting is a job which is very challenging and you don't even get paid 😁.

You have to go from setting expectations to the consequences and the responsibilities that arises as you parent your kids into well rounded adults.

There are different ways by which a parent can use to raise a child. Strictness is one of such ways.

Is being a strict parent the best way to raise a child? Maybe, maybe not.

Through the advantages and disadvantages of parents strict behaviour a clue can be found.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of parents strict behaviours.

Advantages of Parents Strict Behaviour

I. Parents strict behaviour helps to produce well behaved children. That's because children of such parents knows what is expected of them at all times, based on the expectations set by their parents.

II. The children of strict parents are usually high achievers. These children has a culture imbibed in them and they live through it. The strictness helps shape a certain expectation which they have to fulfill.

III. They are managers of their time. Children of strict parent don't waste their time on frivolous activities. They know what should be done when necessary.

Diadvantages of Parents Strict Behaviour

I. Most children of strict parents are usually not satisfied with their lives in general. They are used to a rigid way of living. They don't get to explore so many things in life.

II. There is an increase in anxiety and depression found among children with strict parents. And that's usually because of the expectations imposed on them.

III. Strict parents often time make their children suffer from low self esteem LSE. They lack the confidence in themselves and depend on others for approval and decisions. Because they are raised to always look up to their parents (someone else) for approval other than themselves.

🙍 What do you feel if you were at the place of such childrens who have to face strictness?

The feeling is in two ways. I would usually feel a sense of resentment and agitation when I'm not given the freedom to express myself.

It will annoy me that I can do certain things when I want to, and I can't mingle with the people when need be.

But I will also feel great that I'm able to accomplish some things that I might not have been able to do if it weren't for my strict parents.

The time I'm supposed to be playing, I'm using it to read. Can be quite helpful.

🙍 As a child, what do you expect from your parents regarding their behavior?

I expect them to be the best and want the best for me. And I know that it involves being strict at times.

But it also involves being able to have empathy and know how I feel at different points of my life. Also how I feel regarding certain decisions made.

Of course, I don't expect my parents to be perfect because they can never be. But knowing how to deal with issues regarding me will always be great.

I also expect them to be human while parenting. Let them show their soft side as well as their strong sides. It will bring about a well balanced upbringing.

Finally, I expect them to be exposed on how to raise children. Without exposure, they can just do it in its raw form and be ignorant of so many things.

But with exposure it brings about enlightenment on the art of parenting and how to navigate the rigours of such.

This will help them do a better job at parenting than if they did it with their raw knowledge.

🙍 What are the negative effects of emotional blackmailing?

There are so many effects of emotional blackmailing, but I will just be listing a few here.

They are:

  • having that feeling of being insecure and inadequate.
  • blaming your self for anything that happens.
  • always trying to avoid conflict and being the peacekeeper when conflict arises.
  • not being confident in yourself, you begin to doubt yourself.
  • harboring the feeling of wanting to do the right thing, even when you are not wrong.
  • you become loose because you show too much compassion or empathy.

Contest that bust brain and without any further Ado, I invite @ruthjoe, @patwell and @ellabae to participate in this contest.



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Curated by : @radjasalman

Nice write-up
Keep it up, friend

Thanks brotherly and I appreciate the fact you stopped by to visit my post.

Hello friend
Emotional blackmail has negative effect as you shared among us today, as you told us it reduces the confidence in each individual due to guilt and they tend to avoid conflict always bringing peace during cases of problems too. They also tend to do the right thing even when they are not wrong. Success in the challenge my dear friend, I really enjoyed your entry my friend.

Thanks brotherly and I am glad that my post and entry excites you. Looking forward to see your entry also. Stay safe bro.

 7 months ago 

Ser un padre extremadamente estrictos hace que el niño sienta miedo y temor a sus padres se siente inseguridad, y piensa que todo lo malo es oro su culpa.
Los padres deben de tener un equilibrio en la crianza de sus hijos

 7 months ago 

Una de las preguntas más comunes que se hacen las personas si soy estricto mis hijos serán personas del bien probablemente sean adultos responsables y bueno estudiantes pero por otro lado cuando los padres son extremadamente actos no les permite ni tan siquiera dar una opinión de cómo se sienten ellos se desarrollan emocionalmente mal tienden a ser jóvenes retraídos inseguros y no saben tomar decisiones propias

 7 months ago 

Muchos padres a nivel mundial creen firmemente en que la mejor manera de educar a sus hijos es la violencia, ya que piensan que así el niño no volverá a hacer lo que hizo mal. Sin embargo está no es la forma, yo pienso que la mejor forma es hablando y explicándole el porque lo que hizo estaba mal, un niño necesita eso. Éxitos en el concurso.

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