The Diary Game .5 May 2024.My first Diary.

in Steem4Bloggers3 months ago

Hello Steemit bloggers,

I am @alihamza from #Pakistan

I hope you're all doing well. Today marks a special day for me as my verification process is now complete, allowing me to share my very first post with you all. Let me take you through a glimpse of my day.

I typically rise around nine in the morning, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. After freshening up with a quick face wash and brushing my teeth, I join the table for breakfast. A warm cup of tea accompanies my morning meal, setting a pleasant tone for the day ahead. Breakfast is usually a simple affair—perhaps toast and eggs or parathas with a side of fresh fruits.

Once breakfast is done, it's time to head to my shop, conveniently located just a five-minute walk away in the heart of my village. Opening up shop, I take a moment to tidy and arrange the displays for the day. As the morning progresses, customers begin to trickle in, looking for new footwear.
I assist them in finding the perfect pair of shoes, sharing recommendations and ensuring they leave satisfied. Some make purchases, bringing a sense of satisfaction as I tend to their needs. During quieter moments, I catch up on messages and calls on my mobile, staying connected with friends and family.

By midday, hunger strikes, prompting a quick snack of biscuits and juice sourced from a nearby shop. I take a brief stroll to a neighboring mechanic's shop to check on a bike repair, then return promptly to attend to my customers.


As the afternoon progresses, more patrons visit, and I find joy in showcasing different styles of shoes. The day gradually transitions into evening, and with the sun beginning to set, I steal a moment to appreciate the picturesque view of the canal just outside my shop. The golden hues of the setting sun reflecting on the water create a serene atmosphere.


Closing time arrives, and I bid farewell to the last of my customers before heading back home, eager to unwind. After washing up, I take a moment to relax before dinner, which typically consists of a satisfying meal accompanied by another cup of tea. Later in the evening, I venture out for a short trip with family or friends, enjoying light-hearted conversation along the way.

Returning home, I plug in my mobile to charge, reflecting on the day's events. It's been a fulfilling day, marked by simple joys and the warmth of community. I hope sharing my day brings a smile to your faces. Thank you for reading!

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