The Dairy Game /12 May 2024/Who is Better?

in Steem4Bloggers3 months ago

Assalam Alaikum

I am @alihamzasukhera from #Pakistan|

Hello Steemit bloggers

I hope you are all doing well and I am also doing well. Thank you very much to Allah. So I went to the confectioner for sweets, I took sweets from him and went to my house eating sweets. I started to see how many percent of the people are literate and the rest are uneducated. About 25 percent of the people are literate and the rest 75 percent of the people are uneducated. Our clothes, the tailor,
the tailor is illiterate, and our motorcycle, which makes our journey in minutes, instead of the forks, the mechanic who fixes it is also illiterate
, and our car is also illiterate, the food in our house. The cook is also illiterate. In the same way, I went ahead thinking that an educated person is not an ordinary person. There are those who don't get work and wait for jobs in the streets and in their homes, some waste half of their life thinking that we will get a government job and start cursing themselves and ruining their lives. There are also some who learn a skill after leaving school. Skill is very much a job. As in today's society, there are many jobs that are a skill and work hard. It has become a part of our life which has become very necessary nowadays everyone has their own mobile but when it breaks the mechanic who fixes it is also illiterate
and selling food and drink. The uneducated one, the uneducated milk seller.
Similarly, I thought a lot about who is better, the educated or the uneducated, or the one who has a talent, then I wanted to take them in a picture, then it came to my mind that Yesterday a meta AI which is artificial intelligence on WhatsApp I took them in a picture with the help of it. I don't know who is better and that's how I ran out of sweets and I was just thinking who is better. Yes? And I was thinking that Abu made a noise, Oy Aja, now I quickly got up and went to my Abu. That's the end of my talk. I hope you didn't miss my talk. Allah Hafiz.

Thank you


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