Contest: " Fasting In Ramadan" by @abdullahw2

in Steem4Bloggerslast year
Assalam O Alaikum

Hello everyone! How are you all? I hope that you will be doing well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I'm also fine. Today I was searching for a different contest on Steemit. So I opened Steemit and found a very interesting contest in the community @steem4bloggers which is organized by respected Sir @steemdoctor1. This contest is about "Fasting in Ramadan". So let's start the work without any more delay of time.



A specific system of belief and worship is called religion. So when we accept a religion then we are bound to spend our lives according to the instructions of that religion. There are many religions in the world. Every religion has different directions of spending life.



We are Muslims. Our religion is Islam. Islam is a religion of peace and prosperity. We spend our lives according to Islam. Ramadan is the Holy month in the Islamic calendar. Ramadan is the 9th month of lunar calendar. The Holy Quran was also revealed on the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad صَلَّى ٱللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ in this month. This month also offer us to strong our relation with Allah Almighty. In this month Allah close the doors of hell and opens the doors of jannah. Fasting in Ramadan is the order of Allah Almighty.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Fasting In Ramadan?

Skip eating and drinking from dawn to sunset is called fasting. Fasting In Ramadan is necessary for every Muslim. But there are discount for ill people children etc. Allah Almighty has kept cure of many disease in Fasting. Fasting has many health benefits. Some of them are discussed below;
• Fasting keeps our stomach healthy.
• Fasting removes the waste materials from the body.
• Fasting controls blood pressure.
• Fasting can also improve blood sugar level.
• Due to fasting we can also loss our weight.
• The metabolic activities can also be improved by fasting.
• Fasting increase hunger.
• Fasting maintains the cholesterol level in the body.
• Due to fasting the skin disease can also be reduced.

What Are Some Misconcepts Regarding The Fasting In Ramadan?


Some people have misconcepts regarding fasting in Ramadan. They thought that fasting is not good for physical health. They thought skip eating food and drinking water can lead towards body weakness. In this regard I want to tell you that Islam is a complete code of life. Islam don't order us about that things which are not good for human.

Some people says if you eat anything unknowingly, then your fasting will be void. But this is not truth. You fasting will be valid when you eat or drink any thing unknowingly.

People also says everyone should fast at any conditions. But fasting are not for some people such as pregnant woman or breast feeding women, children under age, a person who can't survive without taking medicine and a woman who's in menstruation.

Tell us about your favorite Sehar and Iftar recipe


In the Sehar time I would like to take such things which helps me to spend my day nicely. In the Sehar time I take Bread made with yoghurt. I also eat white rice because they are my favorite. "Lassi " is one of the traditional drinks in Punjab. So I also drink lassi in Sehar time because it is very useful for health and stomach.

In the Iftar time I eat dates because I like them very much. Dates are also useful for health. More ever I also drink Sharbt made of "jam e shirin" . Taking fruits in the Sehar time is necessary for me. Because fruits give us energy. Eating "pakoras" and "Dahee Barray" are also in the list of things which I take in iftar time.


Give Us Tips To Maintain Our Mental And Physical Health During Ramadan

Maintaining health during Ramadan is very important. We should avoid such things which are not good for our health. Some of them are discussed below;
• We should quit smoking especially during Ramadan.
• We should try to keep us hydrated during the time from Iftar to Sehar.
• We should don't miss sahoor.
• We should avoid too much salty food.
• We should went on a walk after taking Iftar meal.
• We should don't mess stomach with too much food.


That was my experience about Fasting In Ramadan which I shared with you. I hope that you will like it. Now I want to invite my friends @tayboo , @sahar78 and @shohel44 to participate in this amazing contest.



Thanks All

 last year 

In addition to what you said, the condition for you not to take fast, does not meat God give you the fasting, you either pay back the missed fasting after Ramadan or you feed a fasting person in place of your fasting, example those who can do that are, old age person, a disease that cannot allow you to fast like kidney disease and soon.
May Allah accept all our deeds during this fasting period.

 last year 

And thanks for comment ☺️

 last year 

Thanks for mentioning
I'll participate soon

 last year 

You are welcome

 last year 


 last year 

Nice participate brother

 last year 

Thank you 😊

 last year (edited)

Dear @abdullahw2. Thank you for sharing your Quality Blog with our community. Your Post Information has been given below:

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Don't use random pictures from internet. Try to use only royalty free images from websites like Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash, Wikimedia, FreePik, and so on...


 last year 

Thanks for your precious reply. I will try that 😊

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