Euphorbia Milii

in StockPhotos3 years ago

photograph uploaded on my Instagram viickyboom

• Scientific-Bitanico Name: Euphorbia milii
• Popular name: Crown of Christ

Legend has it that this plant was used to make the crown of thorns that was put on Jesus of Nazareth before his execution. The intense crimson color of its flowers in some varieties resembles blood, from there this peculiar name began to spread.

This exotic plant is native to Madagascar, with respect to it there are great contradictions, its latex can be really toxic and some people even say that it is poisonous.

But ... if treated correctly, latex can be medicinal, it is advisable to keep it away from children and pets.

In this photograph I decided to change the color focus and enhance the magic of its flowers, which are really beautiful, they are bright and strong colors and come in a variety of sizes.

It is simply impossible not to delight yourself and admire its beauty ... it is a plant that requires little care because it has a tropical climate.

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