in StockPhotos3 years ago


Mi madre decía: "Cielo empedrado, suelo mojado" afirmando que cuando las nubes semejaban ser piedras estaban "anunciando lluvia". Mi vecina Mabel dice que su suegra decía que era que "El Cielo está pidiendo angelitos" y que, por cierto, cuando le dijo eso estaba embarazada y su bebé falleció al nacer. Sea como fuere, este tipo de nubes son una belleza y un paisaje digno de admirar y conservar.
Fotos tomadas con el celular Yezz de mi hijo @luisfe.


My mother used to say: "Paved sky, wet ground" affirming that when the clouds seemed to be stones they were "announcing rain". My neighbor Mabel says that her mother-in-law said it was that "Heaven is asking for little angels" and that, by the way, when she told her that she was pregnant and her baby died at birth. Be that as it may, these types of clouds are a beauty and a landscape worth admiring and preserving.
Photos taken with my son's Yezz cell phone @luisfe.





Firma Sayury.jpg

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