in StockPhotos2 years ago

Hallo steemit friends😆✋

Long time never writing again. Honestly writing isn't my passion. I'm not good on writing cause I dunno what must I say. Everytime when I wanna write, I always thinking like what must I write? How to say it? What word should I use? That's really really made me confused.😵😥

So today I just wanna sharing a few pictures, my art pictures. This is just a sketch draw a few buildings like blue mosque, colosseum, London bridge, Japanese shrine and golden gate bridge San Francisco




Drawing is one of my hobbies. Everytime when I'm bored or feels bad, I just drawing. I don't care if that's good or not. The point is, that can made my feelings better.

Thank you for everyone who read this blog😆
See you another day😆✋

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