Lingonberries AKA (Vaccinum vitas-idaea)steemCreated with Sketch.

in StockPhotos2 years ago

Lingonberries are colloquially known as cowberries, mountain or lowbush cranberries, red bilberries, or whortleberries.
They are a close relative of blueberries and cranberries. These low bushy plants can produce an edible sweet red berry up to twice in each growing season. Lingonberries are a staple in Norwegian cuisine, in large part due to lingonberry jams.


Hi @real-reviews,

This image is not free for use. If you share any image then you have to share the free image and image source.

Your post should be at least 100 to 300 words of your own writing and share three or more images. This will increase the quality of your post. I hope you don't create such plagiarism content in your next post. We will always monitor your posts.

Thank you
Team abuse-watcher

Who specifically is saying it is not free for use? The author said it is public domain and free for public use, and quote, "Giving credit to the photo author or PIXNIO is not required". Nothing was plagiarized. If you wish my post was longer that's one thing, but making a plagiarism claim is another.

Author: Rosendahl

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