Moringa, the miracle tree.

in StockPhotos3 years ago




Moringa is a tree that offers valuable nutritional and energy resources, and stands out for its medicinal properties, from fighting fatigue, cholesterol or inflammatory processes to preventing infections.

Properties and benefits of moringa for health.

Moringa has long been used in Indian Ayurveda practice for the relief of up to 300 different ailments; applications that have largely been confirmed by recent clinical studies, although much remains to be explored. It stands out as a powerful nutritional and energetic contribution, with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, lipid-lowering, hypoglycemic, eupeptic (promotes digestion), emollient, dermoprotective, and antifungal properties.

The main indications and benefits of moringa for health are the following:

The extracts of its leaves and seeds show an intense antioxidant capacity, very useful to stop the action of free radicals and to prevent infections. Therefore, it is attributed a preventive effect. It can stop or delay oxidative stress that affects the cells of different organs in the body.

It has a high anti-inflammatory capacity, proving effective in the treatment of chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis and osteoarthritis, but also in digestive, liver and kidney inflammations. Concentrated extracts of moringa leaves have been shown to reverse tissue inflammation.

It helps you reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood and in the long run it prevents cardiovascular accidents.

Combat the symptoms of allergic processes, it helps to reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory trunk.

Moringa oleifera is indicated in respiratory allergies, allergies due to pollutants and food intolerances, asthmatic processes, which occur with rhinitis, conjunctivitis, laryngitis or bronchitis.

The leaves are used as a laxative and as a purgative in chronic or severe constipation.

They promote the emission of urine, relieve inflammation of the kidney and that which occurs in the urinary tract such as the bladder, and prevent fluid retention and edema.

It has a protective and detoxifying effect on the kidney, as it contributes to mitigating the damage generated by toxic agents, such as some drugs and heavy metals. Moringa favors the elimination via urine of these toxins.

Ayurvedic medicine indicates it to control blood pressure, and to relieve migraine or nervous headaches.

Certain studies point to its ability to lower blood and urine sugar rates. They have also shown that it can improve hemoglobin and protein levels in patients with diabetes.

It exerts a repairing effect on liver cells, increasing protein content, restoring liver enzyme levels, and reducing inflammation. A toned liver ensures the proper functioning of digestion and the metabolization of nutrients.

Moringa, mixed with other herbs, has been used to combat inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive ducts, in ulcerative colitis, gastroenteritis and gastritis.

It shows a powerful antibacterial action, which prevents the development and spread of certain pathogens, such as Helicobacter pylori, E. coli, or salmonella bacteria, and will help you fight their symptoms such as diarrhea.

This tree is an ally of the health of the young woman. The leaves are credited with the ability to stimulate the production of breast milk and are considered a not inconsiderable natural support against iron deficiency anemia due to their richness in iron, magnesium and other minerals.

Moringa oleifera is an energy plant; enhances the production of red blood cells and provides us with essential vitamins. It supposes a contribution of vitality and energy, useful to face states of weakness and fatigue. It is certainly suitable for hikers, mountaineers, athletes, and so on.

Due to the presence of flavonoids with a high antioxidant power, such as kaempferol and quercetin, moringa extracts have been tested in the adjuvant treatment of various tumors, such as ovarian or liver tumors.

Moringa concentrated extracts have also been tested to evaluate their possible impact on certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, in order to determine their efficacy in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Moringa is attributed a remarkable antifungal and antiparasitic action, useful for treating fungal infections such as the Aspergillus genus, and for promoting the elimination of intestinal parasites.

Due to its richness in vitamin A, it has been used to strengthen vision and combat blindness, with uncertain results.

The moringa fruit, low in fat, helps fight overweight and favors the good assimilation of nutrients.

The juice of the leaves has a high antiseptic value. It has been used to heal and heal wounds, sores, scratches, and insect bites.

Moringa oil has emollient, nourishing and moisturizing effects on the skin. It is intended for the care of aged skin, affected by contact with corrosive substances, burns and scalds (home accidents).

The raw leaves have been used in poultices to relieve headaches.



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