Graptopetalum paraguayense E.Walther, también conocida como graptopétalo, Es una planta muy rústica que prospera en cualquier suelo bien drenado. Esperar a que las raíces salgan por debajo de la maceta para trasplantarla. Son plantas suculentas de porte casi rastrero con hojas gruesas espátulo-abovadas que forman rosetas; suelen ser de color gris o verde grisáceo. Las flores se presentan en panículas y son blancas y con forma de estrella. Florecen en primavera.
Paraguayan Graptopetalum E.Walther, also known as graptopétalo, is a very rustic plant that thrives in any well-drained soil. Wait for the roots to come out from under the pot to transplant it. They are succulent plants with an almost creeping habit with thick spatulo-domed leaves that form rosettes; they are usually gray or grayish green in color. The flowers are presented in panicles and are white and star-shaped. They bloom in spring.
Esta delicada Suculenta es originaria de México y por su uso ornamental, se ha comercializado y cultivado en muchos países del mundo, Esta especie al igual que muchas crasas posee reproducción asexual a partir de sus hojas y tallos. Para reproducirla de forma rápida, solo debemos tomar una hoja y situarla sobre el sustrato; de ella surgirá una nueva planta.
This delicate Succulent is native to Mexico and due to its ornamental use, it has been commercialized and cultivated in many countries of the world. This species, like many succulents, has asexual reproduction from its leaves and stems. To reproduce it quickly, we just have to take a sheet and place it on the substrate; a new plant will emerge from it.
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Es gratis usar la foto de archivo a voluntad. Gracias y Steem On.
I like your flowers. I did not see this flower before this .
Gracias, 😄😁 This species of Succulent dabina small white flower, although mine has never had flowers yet